Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm not part of STG, how dare you imply that! ... Hey everyone I'm on the STG team now! Weeeee

The bonafide bonehead who jumped on the STGU forums, claimed he was a GameSpy Arcade wizard and a helper (turns out he was only a helper... Lie #1)... made the following comments in this thread:

"I choose to use neither STGU or STG because you are both as bad as each other."

"And for you to accuse me of stirring up trouble and trying to involve me in your problems with STG is quite frankly extremely pathetic and insulting."

Course then the real GameSpy Arcade people from IGN show up and set the record straight and give this guy a swift kick in the arse and send him packing for abusing his role.

Couple days later...

"Victurd1st: Everyone welcome the 2 new news hounds for the STG, Acidrain and NaTaku

NaTaku has been around in the community for a long, long time. Having been in most of the major clans at one point or another like RS, SF and the rest and founded his own clan as well as working freelance for and also havng spent time as a GSA WIZ and Helper as well.

Bwahahaha so Mr. I don't use STG / I'm not invovled with them becomes part of the news team overnight. Nawww... Natakdweeb wasn't influenced by STG before he showed up at STGU to piss and moan... He never uses STG... lol. Yea right... Good old tricky vicky.

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