Friday, June 16, 2006

Hits go through the Roof - People Love Truth

Now that we are in syndication people can go to blog search sites and type in or Victor1st or WildCard or and find this place its been going nuts! Email pourin in with support (VicsAPrat -> gmail)... this thing is growing faster then a baby dung beatle livin in VicTurd's mouth.

Outalance Shipyards shows it's stuff by steppin in to the whole Modder issue and 'choosing sides'.

[editors note: 'choosin sides' is dumb becaue a Modders Roundtable that is suppose to be for the community and by the community would see that the whole guild thing was nothing more then an attempt to help moders. Why didn't the roundtable just approach the guild and say... "Hey we got this thing going over here, can we work together?". Nope, first post from moddersroundtable representative was titled "you loser, you stole our idea!". Kinda sets the whole moddersroundtable into perspective doesn't it.]

...poor dude choose VicTurd and VicTurdJr and now he's wallowing in so much poo he's gettin it all over his team mates. He posts "Lets put sigs that show support for Modders RoundTable in all our forum accounts". His own team replies with this:

Title: Re: Recent Events and How OutaLance is affected
Post by: ModelsPlease on June 14, 2006, 04:30:14 pm
Hell no I won't stick anything in my sig bro. I warned ya before you got involved in this "Round Table" that it was nothing but trouble and now you're starting to see why. Easy solution...walk away. We don't need to be associated with people like this plain and simple. Our guys work way too hard to be subjected to crap like this. " By the Community for the Community"...I think not. THE community is Dyna,BC, Armada and SFC 3, not sites with a history of problems, decension and failed idealisms. You know this is how I've felt all along and now it's validated.

Speaks Volumes doesn't it... the dude knew that gettin involved with any effort that had StarTrek-Gamers in it was a bad idea... and now Flatulence_Warrior, the owner of the BIG COMPANY is gonna learn that when you hang with liers and spinsters your good name gets covered in dung. feel kinda bad for the dude, ya know. course when the truth is told to him by his own team and he ignores it... then you don't feel so bad for him anymore.


There... that'll be in the blog search engines now as well... better get all those lawyers at that BIG COMPANY going there flatulence_warrior. Read the comments of the last blog entry to understand this last bit of the blog entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL this shit is hilarious OutaLance does also Support the Modders guild as as our head of Bridge Commander stuff is a member, also i dont know why your mis quoting my first officer really proves the bullshit this place is full of