Sunday, September 17, 2006

Victor1st - Game Industry "Expert"

Inflation of site hits and podcast downloads are a given when it comes to Victor1st and his sites ( and (he owns, WildCard is just too dumb to realize it)).

But he also inflates his own importance and accomplishments. Its almost comical to watch his little crew shake their heads up and down even when they know that he's doin it... but for them its easier to do that then to call him on it and get blasted with wanna Vics classic attacks. Like most pathological liars he gets tripped up in his own BS eventually... and bam we have today's example.

Some say that Vic and Katie are one and the same. Some say they are not. However one has to wonder why Katie always shows up when Vic isn't there... or why Katie and Vic share near identical grammatical and spelling patterns... why Katie and Vic have never had a photo together yet have no problem posting individual photos... why Katie and Vic share the same IP address on the forums they've been on... why Katie doesn't seem to show up at all on the official Bethsoft Trek game boards... and why Katie has never made an appearance on the Argus Array.

Despite community callouts for a photo of both together none was ever shown. Ya'd think that having her on the podcast is a easy way to dispel that mystery. Even good buddy Wildcard had this to say about the 'Vic is Katie' Theory:

Quote from Wildcard:
Now you have Victor registering on Taldren's forums, the forum's, and a few other forums. Always with Katherine registered as well, because she always makes a post as well usually first. Now when Victor acts like the raving lunatic he is and get banned you see him cry

Victor1st Quote: "they have banned the entire staff of the webs #1 Fan Game site"

I used to be a moderator on the STGD when my Mod "The Near Distant Future" was hosted there, I saw Victors, Katherine's, and Nicole's email addresses and IP. I know. His explanation to me was that they (Nicole and Katherine at the time) use his computer.

Have you ever wondered why when Vic or Katherine gets banned they all get banned? I know why, they are all the same person, Victor has only one IP and it belongs to all the persona's he has aka Tony, Victor, Katherine, and Nicole. It happened when he got banned at Taldren,, and the STGU.

He has used aliases to get in IRC channels and gain SOP rights. Used Fake Gamespy Wizard Names, he has been caught red handed registering on multiple forums as Victor and Katherine and having the same IP address.

I can't really say if Katie exists or not... but the circumstantial evidence that she doesn't is pretty heavy. This post isn't about her existence though... its about him inflating things... and oddly enough how (as has been repeated in the past) Katies experiences morph into Vics experiences and vice-versa.

So it should come to you as no surprise that Katie who has been around since the very beginning of Vic being around... up and out of the blue in a STG News posting entitled "The Storm On The Horizon" posted in 2005 Katie made this astounding never before mentioned revelation:

Author: Katherine [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:17 am ]
Post subject: Re: The Storm On The Horizon
Ok, tried to look at Jaz post, all i seen was the picture of a little new born kid crying. Sorry Jaz, your posts don't cut it here with me any long. I've been in the gaming business for 5 years. First working for Activision, now working freelance for BliZZard and iD.

I look at this franchise and all I see is a joke, thats all i see now, A JOKE.

Wow! Up until this point Katie nor anyone else had ever mentioned anywhere their involvement with these companies. If she was working freelance at those companies in 2005 and has been doing it for five years that means whe was working AT Activision during the glory days of Star Trek Gaming.... AND NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT IT! In Fact she was condemning and criticising Activision... the very company she supposidly worked for.

Smells like Katie's new found industry experience is nuthin but a WHOLE crap load of BS doesn't it?

However oddly enough everyone kinda just took it at face value. Oh there was some who questioned it... but as usual whenever it was questioned the response never came or was ignored and some other aspect of the person questioning it was attacked in order to draw attention away.

So Katie suddenly became a 'industry expert' whenever she needed to pull out that card to inflate her standing and prove she knew more then whoever it was she was arguing with. Vic was there of course standing by "her" side affirming it.

Now we come to the here and now... when through the magic of BS suddenly Victor himself reveals HE'S been working in the gaming industry. Incredibly doing the very same things Katie was supposedly doing. Here are the posts:

Victor1st Lies

Victor1st: I deal in the real world of Star Trek gaming and the franchise that goes with it, this site has ties with all the games developers and publishers. I myself used to work for PC Gamer magazine in its UK division, Katherine has worked for Activision, bliZZard, iD, eidos and a host of other smaller game developers so you see...we know a thing or two about gaming communities. STG isnt just an oridinary fan gaming site, this is the longest running, oldest independant gaming site of this franchise. The staff of this site has been in the gaming world for longer than half of you kiddies have been alive.

So you see here is an example of Vic saying Katie did all this work (which has grown over time... another Victor1st liar trademark). Now its hard keepin multiple identies seperate and here we see Vic having difficulties... although I suspect he just wants to transfer the BS prestiege he gave to Katie to himself....

Victor1st Lies

Victor1st on Official Boards:As for telling me to "get real" maybe when you have worked for PC Gamer, Activison and iD like i have then you might have a leg to stand on when talking about the business of PC Gaming. Until then i advise you not to treat me like like one of the devs in here, cause i am liable to bite back...hard.

Take note of how Victor1st clearly identifies himself as the person who now has all the game industry experience. Opps! LMAO! Victor1st doesn't think anyone is watchin or cares about the truth... Bzzzt! Looks like you just got yourself tripped up in one of your many lies Victurd... ole "Gaming Industry Vetern".

You have to feel sorry for Victor1st... no doubt there isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't feel the sting of the truth that the guy he loves to hate... ChessMess... is working in the game industry getting paid to work on Star Trek games... and he sits in his little room trying to create a little 'empire' and being bitch slapped at every turn by this blog and those who won't stand for his lies and bullying... having to pay out to be a wannabe in the Star Trek gaming franchise.

So Katie says nothing about working in the industry until years later... Victor doesn't say anything about it until years later... Vic is clearly caught lying and saying he has gaming industry experience he was once attributing to Katie... and neither has ever said exactly what they did or proved it in any form. PC Gamer UK? Where are the articles with author "Victor Mullin"? None. Maybe their freelance Blizzard work was being in the limited 10,000 member WoW beta? ROFL!!

Next time they spout off to you about working in the industry... say "Prove It". They can't of course... because they never did and this clear as daylight Victor1st caught in his own lies example proves it. Its just one of a never ending list of BS pumped out by Victor1st at and elsewhere.

Ha! Sorry Victurd... and Katurine.... we don't buy your BS. Don't just sit there readin the blog Vic... you got some covering up to do! LMAO!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The world of Double Standards

Remember a couple months ago when Wildcard and Victor1st went on a slam fest about some 'minor' getting flamed at STGU? Posting news on the front page of the site with such as:

"STGU Members now Bash Minors" by Victurd 6/3/06"

Yeah, its another one of those STGU topics again, however this was brought to my attention by Wild of and in my eyes this sinks to the lowest of the low.

STGU admins and staff are now allowing the flaming of MINORS in there forum with the offending flamers not being banned.

For more details of the latest screw up courtesy of the fallen 3rd reich over in STGU visit

Bashing grown ups is one thing, and ChessMess deserves everything he gets. However allowing the bashing of MINORS who have Parental Permission to join a GameSpy hosted board not only breaks one of the fundamental rules of GS hosting, it also lays STGU staff wide open to be prosecuted by the actual parents of the same kid who was bashed around by brainless posters in STGU.

The moral of the story?

If you are a parent and let your kids play trek games, dont allow them to visit STGU any longer. if ya dont agree with the stuff that goes on in this site then you have a 3rd alternative which is of course whos forums are more family orientated than STG and now STGU."

and Wildcard's "STGU Members Now bashes kids for liking site" 6/2/06 which is too long to repost here (I'll throw it into the comments).

So Victurd and Wildcard make this huge deal about one member flaming another and how STGU didn't have Coppa stuff and wasn't kid safe etc etc. Wildcard saying his site takes measure to protect kids etc etc.

Course we all really knew what it was about... nothing more then another 'opportunity' to blast STGU for something... to try and drag them into the mud and make them look bad.

So now when members are Startrek-Gamers are bashing minors... using such language as...

{=XA=}AdmChong wrote:
And yet again, you have turned this personal. How dare you bring my sister-in-law and niece into this. Accusing Cheech of beating his wife and child?? You’re an A$$ and you have gone too far. You were warned, yet you continue to degrade my brother and myself. Now bitch, this has turned personal.

and much worse (what happened at STGU was sugar coated gumdrops compared to the language and hate being slung at STG). All the things that Victurd and Wildfart were so against has gone down at STG... yet nary a single word about it on the front page of their sites. No one was banned... days of this before one thread is locked and it continues on in others.

Vic wanted it to be clear that "If you are a parent and let your kids play trek games, don't allow them to visit STGU any longer." but they shut up when it goes on their site at a level 100x worse then anything that was at STGU.

That is what is known as Double Standards...
   something that Victor1st, Acidrain and Wildcard live by.