Monday, December 24, 2007

Victor1st Creates Drama then Hides

Victurd does it again. He gets called out to prove he works for Google... he won't... so he does his typical move of creating other drama to draw attention away from it and then hides. this time for the second time he deleted his video channel. All the evidence of his claims are gone... or so he thinks because the community is wise to his tactics and are saving the videos... something he is sure to be corked about. haha

Here is the video that calls him out by someone who won't take Vics lies at face value:

Since Victor1st can't prove he works for Google he posts in comments that he worked in the game industry and that peoples kids are playing the games he makes. HAHAHAHA! Show a single game that has him in the credits? if he is such a game industry vet why doesn't he show up in Moby Games for any game? answer is because he never did... he made all that up and said it was "Kathrine" and then he changed the story to himself (see previous blog entry with proof).

so he does his patented drama attack to focus attention away from the real issues and avoid answering the question by posting this:

SAY WHAT? Victor claims he owns the entire trek gaming side of star trek! he is so out of control with his lies he can't even see straight.

methods response:

so ol tricky vicky deletes his channel again for the second time... he will be back... like a gnat on rotting fruit... cause he can't stand not being in the spotlight. follow along at LiveVideoCommunity.


Anonymous said...

I thought he was being good since he stopped the attacks on bethesda but it looks like he is just busy attacking others somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I like these videos



Victor the liar (the real truth)

Anonymous said...

you guys missed the whole deal where methodofmac calls Vics local police department to get the case number that vic says he has because of death threats and the local police say they've never heard from anyone by the name of victor mullin. check some of methods past videos.

Anonymous said...

Age is such a fool he posted the stg crew and doesnt even realize that kathrine and barbarella are names kathrine has used. Course we know in the end its all vic. Shows just how dumb people like him jones and phil are.

Anonymous said...

Can't someone one just ban him from the internet

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...Vic still up to old tricks....

I'll pass this along to the old places he screwed up...

Anonymous said...

the guy still lives at home?!! lmao! what mum still washes his bum and tucks him in at night too?

Anonymous said...

This has to be the funniest stuff I've come across in quite some time. Personaly my guild and I have had our fair share of run ins with Vicky1st. We supported him during the 'rape threat' incident only to be blamed as one of the starters by a member of his family. All of that info was hastily removed after we posted screenshots on our old forums.

To give him his due though he did stand up for me when I produced an 'ileagle' mod for SFC3 many years ago but shortly after that the whole episode mentioned above happenend.

From what I have seen over the last 7 years this guy is just bitter to the core that he is so marginalised. He seems to think that just because he runs a nazi style forum that Paramount should include his name alongside Gene Roddenbury in all Trek products. His insane hatered of every ST product/show that gets released is bizare considering his claim to be in charge of the whole multi billion $ industry... Last time I checked ST gaming was in deep crisis and sale were barley covering development costs but then maths never was his strong point (Ask him how many hits his forum gets and he'll tell you millions per day when his site shows 100?!?)

I could go on all day about this idiot but quite frankly Im wanting to goto the loo which will be so much more interesting than anything about that sad little mommies boy....

Anyways keep up the fun work, who knows, maybe he'll finaly do us all a favour and become a fan of Barbie and Ken thus taking over the entire Matel organisation and rule the world!!

Anonymous said...

We recorder his live video streaming. Where can we upload them to cuz there is good stuff in there.