Wednesday, June 07, 2006


We'll whadaya know, both Trek-Online and StarTrek-Gamers posted about the blog. Now thats a good first step... now your second step needs to be a news post saying "We realize we were nards for posting all the lies and crapola for all these years and now we are not gonna do it anymore". We'll VicTurd can say years, WildFart can say for the last month or so.

Wanna know whats so funny about TrickyVic's posting... HE SPINS IT INTO AN ATTACK ON STGU! LMAO! An independant weblog, no way associated with STGU, and he still blames them! BWahahahahahahahahaha the dude has chaffed his ass about that site for so long that everything is their fault.

Ya gotta think he sits there on his stool (or more likely... in his stool)... and just grids his teeth endlessly about them, I bust out laffin just thinkin about it.

He reasons that because a member links to this site in a sig, STGU is at fault. The brainless nard even thinks that a weblog that isn't connected to STGU is gonna get STGU shut down! Bwhahahahah Man oh mighty, calling VicTurd dumb would be an insult to the word dumb! ROFL!

Still looking through all the email... keep it comin guys! You'd think I just cured cancer with the love that I'm gettin.... thats good cause the amount of bs ya have to wade through in dealing with VicTurd is like being a pooper scooper for a parade of dinos!

Stay tuned for more truth to come. oh and someone wanted me to let everyone know that EIC Network has some good drama bustin podcasts about Vic, so have a listen to eic6 for starters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All hail GammerManSam, proveyer of truth!