Monday, June 26, 2006

Not so smug now are ya?

You see it happen in movies all the time.... classic school scenario where the kid who wants to do good is taunted, picked on, thrown rocks at and lied about by the bullies that think it fun to cause such misery on him and others... simply because they can.

Then at some point in the future the bullies get their comeuppance. They show up somewhere... acting all tough and bully like... only to find the guy they once treated like crap owns the place. LOL

Can you imagine the reaction VicTurd had when he went to the new Star Trek forums... the ones him and Wildcard and all their little stooges have been so looking forward to opening... and found that ChessMess is a moderator there?

I would have paid to see the expressions on their faces! LMAO!! Acid4Brain posted a thread questioning the 'moderator selection' given so many in the community (ie.. VicTurds stooges) doesn't 'trust' one of them (he didn't have the guts to say Chess's actual name). That thread lasted all of 4 minutes I'm thinking and it got whacked. LOL!

Ole VicTurd and WildCard had the first two locked threads within the first hour of the board being up. LMAO! These two and their stooges are neutered pups over there... don't expect them to spread the BS or cause problems less the hand of Chess smite them. Bwahahaha!

Classic movie ending where the kid whom the bullies picked on and tormented ends up being in a position to kick their arse... I love it!


Anonymous said...

hear hear. No doubt that soon these screaming queens will be crying on the front page of the little websites about official bias in the moderator selection (even though Chess is an official employee of the company) and they'll be calling for boycotts on the game! Hah, I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Don't you worry they will try to get him ousted soon enough.

Anonymous said...

twice now i have seen comments about how vic and wild had the first locked out threads , i think it only fair to point out as you should have done given your devotion to the truth, they had posted services in the wrong forum. that was it. i`ll now go take a squiz at this moderator thread you mentioned.

GamerManSam said...

The reason they had locked threads wasn't the point... the fact that they were the first two people to get locked threads was... It was a funny bit of irony.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice that all references to 'Jenny' have been removed from the website?

Anonymous said...

hey your right i didnt even notice until you said something kinda makes you wonder if that was all some big hoax as well cause if it was real thered be something there