Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nice Artwork

Someone emailed me this image today....

Apparently you can do this kind of stuff as long as you have a disclaimer on the picture. Go ahead and feel free to email about how much you like or dislike his modifications ta Kin's artwork.

Remember when Wildcard opened his site because he hated Vic and the drama he caused and how he wanted a drama free and friendly site. Now its admin is trashing artwork to help make fun of other sites while they post 'rumor' attacks in hidden threads and on the front page of the site. Amazing what the need for traffic will make a person stoop to.

Kind of shows how buddy buddy Trek-Online STG and Kinneas are gettin. Funny how Vic has ended up with Trek-Online's main news poster (turning WC's site into nothing but a copy machine for Trek Gaming news) as well as Zach's main co-host. Wonder if Vic helped Zach to get back on his feet like Zach helped him by bringing him into the Trek gaming podcast world? Hmmmmmmmm.... course we know the answer to that one already.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Touching a Nerve

LMAO! Obviously VicTurd loves this blog because hes been quoting from it long enough. Just recently to try to counter the truth that Victurd removed the publicly viewable counter results from his site when people asked why the numbers he spouts as the site hits were drastically different then what the independant 3rd party counter service he had on the front page of his site... he posted the following:

Victurd1st: "How many hits is STGU getting? Ohh, thats right, they REMOVED the counter when STG published the 5 million hit notice 4 months ago."

Of course that is total BS... you know the old saying "The truth hurts".... must have burned old Victurds buns to have the truth about him removing the public hit counter on his website because the numbers he said were not even close to what the site was actually doing.

Wanna prove how many hits your getting Victurd? Easy... put an independant 3rd party public viewable counter back on the main page. That would be an easy way to shut up the doubters wouldn't it Vic? Course then it'd also be a easy way to prove just how much BS you've been pouring out about the hits on your site.

So, the very action Victurd takes kinda is indicative of the truth.... not that removing the counter in the first place indicated his guilt enough... not putting one back tells you the same.

Here is something fun... check out the results of a Googlefight between Star Trek Gaming Universe and Star Trek Gamers...

Star Trek Gaming Universe Vs. Star Trek Gamers

I have to admit I think the results of this one is much more telling...

Victor1st Truthful Vs. Victor1st Liar

Friday, August 11, 2006

The secret for high contest participation? BS of course!

Some peeps out there are thinkin that the days of BS are over. You see thats just a pipe dream... something you wanna believe because the person normally feeding the BS to you has been behavin.

Obviously you've heard the phrase "lay low until the heat blows over". Thats what old TrickyVicky has been doing. Keeping relatively quiet... letting the news about the new star trek games flow and hopefully bring some new blood to his site. He lays low and the drama subsides and people start thinking things are back to normal and then... slowly... quietly... he starts slippin in the BS.

Now you remember the latest contest held by for fans of Star Trek Games, the Wallpaper Competition. Here is the details as he announced in the STG Wallpaper Contest thread at the official forums.

You can read the full details but the part you need to pay attention to is this...

"All entries will be viewed by the STG staff and then a set of top 5 wallpapers will be sent over to Bethesda Softworks for them to pick the winning entry."

Now its cool to have a contest... nice to give something away you got for free ... so whats the deal? hehe Ya see its so nice that he can't help but slip in some BS with it. Why? Because thats what Victor1st does. So where is the BS?

Simple... like a magician he does his trick while he has your attention focused on something else. In his post announcing the winner of the contest he slips in the BS while you are looking the other way. So you read the post... and your focus is on finding out who won... you probably didn't even notice the BS. Let me point it out to you...

Victor1st says: "A total of 84 entries (was 90, some was doubles) with 40 people taking part in it in total. The wallpapers covered the whole spectrum, from single ships to whole fleets, from simple designs to breathtaking arrays of graphical fortitude."

Now remember... he's been layin low so he's starting the BS again in nice small doses. You see Victurd likes to 'inflate numbers' in order to make him and his site look big. You've probably seen him gloat about the number of hits his site gets. Funny thing about that... he use to have a counter on the front page of his site that was public readable. You could click on the counter and see what the actual numbers were. When he got called on the difference between what he was saying and what the counter was saying... it got removed! lmao!

He doesn't just do it with numbers... he does it with changing history as well... but I'll save that for the next post.

So if you haven't caught it yet... the BS part is the 90 entries. Bzzzzzzt BS Alert! BS Alert! This is a classic example of VicTurd adding a bit of BS to inflate his site. Ok... so your asking how is it that I know he didn't get 90 entries other then inside info which I can't reveal to you? Simple...

1. He has never displayed 84 entries in any form.
2. There has been nowhere near 40 people posting about submitting entries on his forms or the official forums.
3. If you have 40 people sending in the max of two entries each and you removed the doubles (because there was 90 entries)... you should have at max 80 entries. Yet somehow there is 84 entries. Opps!
3. Here is the real kicker... he only submitted 4 entries to Bethesda.

Now in a contest where the rules are that you send the top 5 wallpapers... and you have 84 entries to choose from... why would you only send 4 entries?

Simple... because you didn't have enough submissions from different people to actually send 5 entries. Which just proves that the entire "we got 90 entries" is total BS!

Oh I'm sure he'll cover the BS with more BS. "Katurine forgot to send in 5" or "The other 80 were disqualified". How about showing us all those other 80 entries Vic? lol Surely you can get your pooshiper AcidBrain to mock up 80 wallpapers asap. Or maybe they got deleted with the server actin up... along with the 40 email addresses.

See... you probably thought the air was clean and the BS gone... nope, it's still here... and thankfully... so is this blog.

Victor1st of ... We Don't Buy Your BS

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The calm before the Poostorm

Someone emailed me asking if the blog was over. hehe nope, not by a long shot... but over exposure to VicTurds stuff has given me a bad case of BS poisoning so I had to spend time in the hospital recouping . I have some BS to post about that you just won't believe VicTurd thought he'd get away with... it'll leave you shaking your head.


... anyone seen that TV show called Lost? I heard they have a new guy on there... his backstory was that he was going across the ocean on a cruise and the ship crashed and he wound up on the island. Apparently he was going to be a Partner on a Star Trek Gaming website...