Sunday, January 28, 2007

Victor1st isn't blackballed in the blogosphere

Its good ta see others taking up the cause to expose the BS of the 'STG Zone'. A recent email gave the heads up on this one...

good thing too cuz trying to dig out of the ever flowin BS that Victurd dishes out all by your lonesome can wear ya out! Thats three fansites now by my count... makes ya wonder.


Anonymous said...

The light being spread by these blogs centered on revealing the truth of things is leaving Victor1st less and less dark corners in which to scurry to.

Anonymous said...

Just listening to their latest turd podcast. Have these guys heard of accurate news reporting? They're outright lying about the reaction in the community to the latest interview about STO, and reporting information is that totally incorrect. Shame people listen.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of you Anonymous people are of difference to one another.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch his pod cast? He never once defended what he was blackballed for, hurassing the staff and volunteers. Instead, complained about conspiracies and the likes. He is one paranoid SOB!

Anonymous said...

Did ya see Vics latest lies at STGU. he just can't admit that his site is second best and makes up carp to try and tear it down.

Anonymous said...

^Uh, while I think Vic is a lying little idiot, and his site is a playground, I can't say STGU is much better off these days. Two lumbering old monsters between them.

Anonymous said...

See how Vic got served when he misinforms everyone that bethesda is doing the patches and mad doc isn't involved. bethesda tells him he wrong. ha! how many times has he spouted off with his ego actin like he knows it all. the guy just make up carp or says stuff people already know. pfft.

Anonymous said...

yeah well, seems he's roped two other sites into supporting his bullcrap now... *sigh* I don't think it's ever going to end.

Anonymous said...

jigglypud makes up carp about stg and its moderators so don't act like you stgu lovers are clean.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like Chris Jones actively supports those who attack developers because he supports Acid who got the dev tools canned because of him calling Bethesda complaining about PJC and getting him canned and now NO devs post to help modders, and supporting Vic and thus his attacks on the developers and publisher. Jones is getting a nice camp full of liars, cheaters, and haters growing. thought the guy was getting his act cleaned up by ditching the cuggs twats but guess not. thats how I see it and there are others who agree.

Anonymous said...

[quote]jigglypud makes up carp about stg and its moderators so don't act like you stgu lovers are clean. [/quote]

what crap have i made up then?

Jaz said...

In defence of Chris Jones, I don't think he supports anyone, he just wants his work publicized, as far as I can remember, has not publicly criticized any website or company.