Sunday, June 10, 2007

Victor1st on LiveVideo... err I mean LieVideo

Seems old TrickyVicky is havin a ball on LiveVideo. Wha? Spin? Accusations? Lies? Drama? do ya mean he's been up to his old tricks that are famous in the star trek gaming community in his new community? Say it aint so! lol


A recent video (and I'm sure many others but who wants to watch over a 150 videos of Victurd talking about himself...blech) is so packed full of lies and spin that we had to rename the service he uses to LieVideo.

We'll pick it apart in another post but for now realize that 98% of what you read on this blog is absolutely true. The other 2% might be wrong mostly cuz tracking Vic's web of lies... half-truths... and spin can sometimes even fool the best trackers.

Victurd says the blog was created as website wars. nope, it was created because after nearly half a decade of vics bullying... grand-standing... saying outright lies about people in order to damage their credibility... half-truths... spinning of the facts... and his 'followers' propaganda people in the community got so fed up with it they started documenting it. Ya know the story... there are other sites out just like us who try to wipe away the deceptions so others can see the truth.

This blog put a serious damper on the harrasement and crapola that vic spewed in the star trek gaming community... and the star trek gaming community has enjoyed the peace and quiet after he left to go on his video egomaniac hijinks at LiveVideo. now he's turning that community into a drama fest.

Vics likable like that incredibly smoooth car salesmen that will look you in the eye while he compliments you on your looks... fetches a pillow for your mom to sit on... and even gives you his favorite pen to sign the contract with a smile... all the while selling you a total and complete piece of carp of a car.

vics biggest goal is to be the most friended... most linked to... most 'worshiped' person in whatever community he participates in... truth or ethics be damned. if you question it... or deny it... or get in the way of that goal then look out (or Legos armis etc etc as vic says)... as many on his LieVideo channel are finding out.

Unlike victurd we post things that are true and don't make up lies about people for the sake of building ones site or video channel. this blog isn't about number of hits... or number of 'friends' or 'subscribers'... its about letting others know the truth. vic hates this blog not because of the lies and spin it exposes... but because deep inside he knows it is his own actions that caused its creation and it isn't something he can hide or 'explain' away.

Click the following links to see the videos:

The Big Payback by LIMA

Victor1st GFY!


Anonymous said...

howdy, we've been working on an article about Victor1st

PLEASE, feel free to help out stat.

ED reg is open and free.

Please join us.


Anonymous said...

so i went over there and posted a comment on his little video, surprise surprise, the comment is gone and i`ve been blocked from viewing his channel, lmfao, what a twat, he gives out so much shite but can`t abide getting any back.