Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!
Bahahaha... he is trying so hard to be VicTurd... poor guy just doesn't have the l33t skillz of the grand high turd master. HIYAA! OOOOOOO YA! But since VicTurd beat the poor boy down back in the day, WildFart now rolls over for VicTurd and hopes his master gives him tummy luvins anytime he bashes STGU. "Daaas a goooood boy Wildfart, gooood boy. Now go fetch the lies... cmon boy.. get the spin... thats it, thats it". woof woof. lmao!
I think his new name should be VicTurdJr, or maybe miniVic. What do yo guys think? Send me an email (or post in the comments).
So lets see what spin VicTurdJr has today.... ahhh two turd-filled posts... lets just review one at a time.. cause I'm sure he'll have plenty of BS in just one to keep the dung beatles singin "Here comes the poop.. la la la la... Here comes the poop... and I say.... da da duh da da duh da da... it smells..."
VicTurdJr says in a post about the once very hush and private Modders Roundtable that is now for some reason going public
The Modders Roundtable was an idea conceived innitially by a few members of the Trek Modding, Modeler, and Fan Site Community consisting originally of Dynaverse.net, StarTrek-Gamers.com, CUGS.com, PuterzSFC3.net, and modders of Islandwars, Unity, Dominion Wars, Sedition, and Uncertain Destiny just to name a few, Modelers consisting of Chris Jones Mods, Outalance Shipyards with its staggering 40 + members making up the bulk of the talent asssembled in one place building and converting models for the Star Trek Games.
Wow! Just look at all those names.... 40+ members (not just 40+ .. a staggering 40+... from just the Outlance Shipyards alone! Add Cugs.com and PuterzSFC3.net and Dynaverse.net and you got... what... a good hundred modders in that group.
Wow with all those member their board must be going nuts with activity!
As of today they have 22 members registered... with a whopping 137 articles posted.
22 members out of a good hundred... and 137 articles (which must be all private because all I see are lots of posts by the VicTurd with zero replies (Vic's done loads of mods... remember that one with the floating Turd in space... and then the mod he made that added the space station Poopula-1 to SFC3... in terms the dumb can understand... he's never made a mod in his life). It's taken 4 months to get 22 members out of several huge sites and support from sites with a staggering 40+ members. Excuse me for a moment...
[sounds of person getting up from chair going into another room and closing the door]
[sounds of person returning]
sorry about that... can you say spin? yup... the dude is spinning more then a pinwheel in a wind tunnel. poor VicTurdJr. So lets continue...
miniVic in the same post
The Modding Roundtable is a neutral place where everyone is treated equal...
With all the bashin Trek-online and StarTrek-Gamers have done about STGU and the modders guild... really makes you believe that statement. Sure they'll treat you equal... as long as you stand against STGU and The Modders Guild. VicTurd is already attacking people who've signed up at the guild.
Ohhh this next one is a real pooptart.. get this...
Dynaverse.net is where you find 100% of any information released on a new model, mod, script or whatever, they have been the major hub of the collective Mod and Modeler group for years. Most of your major Trek Game Modders and Modelers are already involved in Dynaverse.net and the Modders Roundtable. And to think that they will just uproot and all of the sudden go to the STGU is pure madness.
[warning - the hypocrisy and bs meters are reading off the scale]
So I guess if most of the major trek modders and modelers have joined... then the mod community only has a bit over 22 members (including famous modders such as VicTurd (zero mods) and newest modder registered at the site RK-StarBuck (zero mods)). Just take a look at exactly what the majority of the modding community actually consists of (for VicTurd to poop on).
Ready for Hypocrisy 101, because when you spew BS like VicTurd and VicTurdJr does, you become masters of it.
...And to think that they will just uproot and all of the sudden go to the STGU is pure madness.
Funny... seems you have to register at The Modders Roundtable forum if you want to participate in the modders roundtable. Thats right folks, its pure maddness to think you have to go to STGU forum to post in the modders guild boards, but not madness to do the exact same thing for the roundtable. "Hi my names VicTurdJr... people call me VicTurdJr".
What we have been doing for over the past 4 months since we actually started the Roundtable and stopped talking about it, is to assemble the best that the community has to offer where everyone has an equal say, and all ideas, knowledge, and cretive works can be shared with the Commmunity equally. More and more Modders and Modelers are being invivited to join each day.
Here's the best the community has to offer. Now watch as VicTurd and VicTurdJrs stupidity drags them all through the mud. Don't ya dare leave it either, otherwise you just stabbed VicTurd and miniVic in the back, and your fair game for harrassment. Makes you eager to join doesn't it?
Want to Join the REAL DEAL and not an imitation? Find out the truth and much more. Visit The Modders Roundtable
Read: You're either for us, or agin us.
Thats just one of VicTurdJr's posts... I'll address the other soon. Stay tuned, same turdbustin time, same turdbustin channel.
Poor VicTurd and VicTurdJr... we don't buy your BS.
Hmm as Head of outalance im going to clear a few things up here. First off just because OutaLance has 40+ members doesnt mean they are going to run and join anything just because few of the management team do. And for your infomation OutaLance isnt against the STGU's Modding guild either (we are against the theft of the Round Table though) OutaLance's Head of the Bridge Commander Division Adonis joined up with the Modders Guild.
And if you really want to split hairs lets just see a list of the members of OutaLance: (i will even help you count)
4. Antivyrus,
5. Atheorhaven,
6. Azel/Atolm,
7. Brezgonne,
8. Cleeve,
9. Centurus,
14.Fallen Warrior,
18.Klingon Fanatic,
19.LC Amaral,
20.Lord Bile,
23.Major A Payne,
26.Models Please,
35.Zambie Zan
wow that does look like 40+ and as i said just because the management join in something doesnt mean everyone has too. Unlike alot of groups members can freely do as they wish as a standard policy of the company is "personal work comes first", and we work on projects as a team we share workloads and even help eachother complete projects. So in effect if one of us joins something we all do, even with Adonis joining the Modders guild he gets the whole of OutaLance helping him out.
Second unless you have express permission from an OutaLancer to use our name in some sort of public annoucement or PR stunt as been used here, you are in breach of Copyright Law as i personaly Own it you dont have permission and would like it if you would kindly shut the hell up about My Company.
When you've earned the right to be called the Single Largest Model Development Group for Star Trek Gaming and youve spent thousands of your own pounds with legal fees and finacing your own none profit company out your own pocket you might be allowed to even mention my name untill then i will thank you to shut the hell up :)
Oh and while im on the subject Jaz as i know its you i warned you about bringing outalance any further into this today you have made another enemy in the gaming comunity. Please let this all go up on the blog without editing as im already mirroring this on Trek Online :D
As a clan leader of 300 active members which I unlike some people can prove I wonder why you have such a bad view of Vic and the work he has done with the Trek Community?
I dont know the history and I would like to know.
Also on your comment of active members on his forums, I see a lot more than you state,
If you would like to respond to me then you can MSN me on darkstar@genesisknights.com
Second unless you have express permission from an OutaLancer to use our name in some sort of public annoucement or PR stunt as been used here, you are in breach of Copyright Law as i personaly Own it you dont have permission and would like it if you would kindly shut the hell up about My Company.
Could you make yourself look any stupider?
I dont know the history and I would like to know.
Who needs history when you can see the lies and spins happenin in real time right now. history lessons come when the fool stops producin lies and spin right now for me to have time to give history.
Vic and the work he has done with the Trek Community?
Vic, once, along time ago was "ok" in the community... now he just tries to undo others hard work, because his usefullness has run out years ago... he should have kept it down a few years back and let WOW rot his brain some more.
Vic gave warnings to2 noobs and banned one of them all because they were havinf fun at his site. plus they Posted the most, and referred members there the most, and contributed more artwork than any other member, one of them even helped Vic stop someone from spreading a Virus on the site, and still look at hoe Victurd treated them, check out James T Kirk, and TheAlpha.and you will see what ann fool Victurd is
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