Friday, June 16, 2006

STG getting an "Equal Partner"

This is article is followed by a 4 part history lession, read the other posts here:
[ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [ part 3 ] [ part 4 ]

Take a gander at what ol Katurine posted today:

Author: Katherine
Subject: Future change to the STG
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:55 pm (GMT 0)

I spoke with Vic this afternoon and it is becoming obvious that he does not have the health to deal with a site of this size on his own anymore. For more than half a decade most of the STG has been built, maintained and revamped by Vic himself since Nikki left 2 years ago and I havent really been around much since 2003. Vic has decided it is time to bring an equal partner onboard as head site admin.

[chop chop... a bunch of kitty talk from Katurine.. chop chop]

We thought of going into a partnership deal with other Star Trek gaming sites and "merging content" of both partner sites ito one huge mega site for trek gaming, but to be honest that wouldnt really work either.

More details will be made available once Vic gets back hopefully tomorrow or sunday.

Oh boy oh boy! An Equal Partner.

[Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Excessive BS Detected!]

Sure they dont wanna parter with another site... cause that would open the door for someone to find out all the crapola they do behind the scenes on their site... could you see VicTurd giving someone else equal stake in the site. lmao!

So its time to create an imaginary partner. Just like they did before. What? do tell... ya wasn't around during the time of his last partner? You didn't get to see him.... ya don't know........ Tony?

Yea Tony... Vics last 'Partner' who said he'd been around the community for years (yet no one knew him)... said he was a moderator on the original official Armada boards (yet no one remembered him)... good ole Tony. Who worked on stuff for what... a month... and then started attacking people and then up and vanished like a fart in the wind. poof, gone... never heard from again. Vic got tired of juggling all the personalities no doubt. ROFL!

I'll tell you more about 'Tony' in my next blog entry... while we wait to hear all the details on the next imaginary friend Vic can dream up to fill this 'partner role'.

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