Tuesday, June 20, 2006

STG previous parnter - History lesson Pt 3.

This is Part 3 of a multiple Part Blog Post, Read the other parts here:
[ Announcement ] [ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [ part 3 ] [ part 4 ]

[School Room : Door Reads STG History ]
Scoot in close children while we continue our lesson. StarBuck and Age... please stop holding hands. Now waaay back in Dec 2004 Victor1st quits and and says "Blizzard games is where its at" and shuts down the site. Then after a couple weeks returns for people like 'Timmy'... and brings in Tony as the new site directory.

So with STG sporting the ultra cool new 'Under New Management' logo Tony takes over and promptly posts a front page news post that is about an hour long. Now I could post that here but rather then making you read it all I'll post the full post in the comments to this blog entry... cause it runs and runs like the hershy squirts. Now there was a glimmer of hope that under Tony the community would not be subjected to the attacks and lies and spins that was VicTurd1sts daily drama. And for a few days it seemed that way... but when the community sites didn't immediately drop everything and join in Tony's efforts (remember they have been under attack by Vic and everyone was sick of it)... we'll Tony first bailed and went awol for a short while then re-appeared declaring war.

The whole era of Tony lasted a whopping month. His first post was December 6, 2004... his final post was January 16, 2005... just a bit over a month with a good week in there where he didn't say anything to anyone. Here is where you can see he begins to lose it... funny how Tony's writing looks alot like Vics doesn't it... same mispellings... same structure... same style... but Tony isn't a family member so why is that?

We apologise Posted by Tony on 1/12/2005 at 11:53 pm Front Page of Site

The staff of STGD apologise for not being here.

The main reason is the continueing harrasment by STGU and trek-online members threatning Vic, Myself and katie who no longer works here. Chessmess suported the staff of trek-online (who threatened katie with rape) and now that Harry Lang (paramounts lead on trek gaming) has been seen to support Chessmess alot of once avid trek gamers of BoTF, Armada and EF Series games have left.

I have sent a handwritten letter to Mr Sumner Redstone, the CEO of Viacom which owns Paramount. The slandering of the STGD now ends here, even if it spells the end of the trek game franchise. All visitors of trek-online and STGU, you brought it on yourselfs by some of your more avid followers continueing to threaten the staff of this site.

Now the storm will begin.


Posted by Victor in the forums on 1/12/2005 at 11:59pm

I just want to make a post here saying i support what Tony has done. If Lang is not willing to listen then his bosses are. I will also be contacting GameSpy as they are hosting STGU. As tony has said, i have been in and out of hospital, 3 weeks of harrasement by trek-online and STGU members. If Lang (who supports chessmess) doesnt deal with it, then Mr Redstone will. As we have contiued to say...STGD is the
NUMBER 1 trek game site. A lot of people out there are discusted by the personal threats made by trek-online staff in the past and discusted by the support of STGU which is hosted by gamespy. Now is the time for STGD to deal with it.

Here again you can see its all some other sites fault for what they have to do... some things never change. At this point Tony begins sending out emails to people in the community attacking them for their non-support. Then when its clear that he's getting as hated as Vic was he makes a final post and disappears....

Posted Front Page of website on 1/16/2005

Due to a lot of problems with the base code of the site the whole STGD had to be taken offline to prevent a further disaster in the FTP, normal services will return soon. I myself have also come to the conclusion that the time for the STGD to stand up and be counted has arrived. As for me personally (this is Tony typing this) I neither have the time, or the inclination to deal with the anmount of hassle that Vic has had to deal with during the 5 years of running this site. People in the community who say they are "for" the community are really only interested in there own perogatives and there own beleifs for what this once massive gaming franchise meant. As i have said, i sent a letter to Mr Redstone, it will probably be on his desk anytime soon.

As for me, I am leaving the Trek gaming community and heading off to pastures new. Some of you who remember me as a small moderator in the old ST-Armada boards will remember me saying that i would never leave this community, that i would never turn my back on the people who gave so much to this franchise for so little praise, well, the time has come. The big "community" sites are now too busy targeting this site to try and take it down. I will no longer be a part of a gamming community whos top sites attack and target this place, which is the LONGEST running trek gaming fan site in existance. I leave this site back in the hands of Victor, I have taken the gloves off for him, what he decides to do next is on the heads of the so called "community"
leaders. On discussions of leaving Vic has decided to revert the whole site back to the days of the STCD when it was truley on it own. As it stands now ladies and gentlemen the STGD is again on it own. Ignored by other community sites, targeted for extinction by some community sites and generally reviled by Paramount. This site is the last, best hope for a true voice in the gaming comminity to be heard. It is still
the top site after half a decade of war with other community sites and as far as Vic is concerned it will continue to report the REAL news about trek gaming, the REAL sorry bad shape the franchise is in to REAL gamers who visit THIS site. STGD is back in the hands of the clan world, where it should have remained in the first place instead of trying to go "mainstream" to please everyone else who runs fansites.

Anthony McAdam "Jester" aka "JesterGrove"

This line is classic... "what he decides to do next is on the heads of the so called 'community' leaders". LMAO! Tony is already placing blame for whatever VicTurd1st does on everyone else! Classic VicTurd blame game.

So there you have it... the history of Tony. Was Tony real or was he fake? Here is what WildCard from Trek-Online had to say about 'Tony' and the whole VicTurd situation...

Posted March 20th, 2005 on Trek-Online Front Page

I do know that Tony aka Victor registered on trek-online's forums, Victor and Tony have the same IP address.

I know that Tony sent multiple emails to Harry Lang trying to get back into the good graces of Harry after acting like smacktards over on the STGU forums.
Tony aka Victor explained to Harry Lang that the reason that the e-mail’s IP address is the same as Victor Tony happened to be at Victor's house that morning when he sent it. Now Harry Lang didn’t ask or inquire anything about an IP, this was Victor covering his tracks just in case.

Now you have Victor registering on Taldren's forums, the Dynaverse.net forum's, and a few other forums. Always with Katherine registered as well, because she always makes a post as well usually first. Now when Victor acts like the raving lunatic he is and get banned you see him cry
they have banned the entire staff of the webs #1 Fan Game site

I used to be a moderator on the STGD when my Mod "The Near Distant Future" was hosted there, I saw Victors, Katherine's, and Nicole's email addresses and IP. I know. His explanation to me was that they (Nicole and Katherine at the time) use his computer.

Have you ever wondered why when Vic or Katherine gets banned they all get banned? I know why, they are all the same person, Victor has only one IP and it belongs to all the persona's he has aka Tony, Victor, Katherine, and Nicole. It happened when he got banned at Taldren, Dynaverse.net, and the STGU.

He has used aliases to get in IRC channels and gain SOP rights. Used Fake Gamespy Wizard Names, he has been caught red handed registering on multiple forums as Victor and Katherine and having the same IP address.

This is the same person and site that brags about joining a Fleet or Clan just to break them apart because they do not share the STGD's thoughts. Victor has bragged about destroying Fleets and website's for having a disagreement with him. That is not an action of a sane individual.

Now what more proof do you need that Victor is a Raving Lunatic? He has a few brainwashed STGD minion worshipers like Age, and a few others but the rest of the community has seen Victor for the Fake he is. Victor does not care about this community, he cares about the strife he can cause this community.

I swore I would not let his ranting effect me here, and I swore I would never answer his banter, but sometimes you need to inform the community about a threat. Victor and the STGD are, and will remain a threat to any community they come into contact with.

Says it all doesn't it... nice to remember WildCard back before he started acting like VicTurd... sad to see how far the dude has fallen.

Well... The StarTrek-Gamers.com (then Star Trek Clan Director or STGD) New Managmenet acted just like the old Management and VicTurds partner lasted barely a month. At the end Tony did the exact same things VicTurd was doing before he took over and everyone knew by that point that Tony was really VicTurd ... so he had to throw that make believe guy out the window no one was buying his BS.

Here it is Tuesday and still no STG Partner announcement... lol ... maybe they are hoping if they say nothing no one will remember? lmao!

Up next in Pt4... the final lesson... we see the first news post made after Tony leaves and VicTurd1st and Katurine 'resume control' of the site.

(Don't forget to Email me your VicTurd BS stories to VicsAPrat at Gamil)


GamerManSam said...

Community Survival Project - 2005 Posted by Tony on 02.12. at 22:25

ok, lol wait for it, first time all these news head images have been
in the same news report:

You've probably all seen the new head image banner announceing the coming of the Community Survival Project of 2005. The plan has been 8 months in the making and was originally thought up when Vic heard about the Activision lawsuit which is still raging on from what i heard.

For the next 2 to 3 years there will be no new trek games, 2006 will be partially covered by the beat test of the new MMORPG although how a brand new game with a brand new engine and graphics ontop of an MMORPG can be ready for a beta in a years time is anyones guess, it looks like they have the basis for the servers though which means all of perpetual's time will be spent on the game, which is good.

2005, next year, which is only a few weeks away, will be a tough time for the gamers of Star Trek. The biggest problem facing the community
right now is the lack of new gamers coming into the existing games due
to the pull out of activision and the games no longer being published
by anyone and Paramount not re-publishing the older titles via
Perpetual means we are stuck with what we have, old games, with old
engines, and using out of date raphics on engines which are usually buggy, even after patching. World of Warcraft gave trek gaming a
serious hit with the amount of gamers that actually left. From what Vic has said when the other new games finally come out next year
things will get even worse.

With the majority of the fan site looking at declines in visitor
numbers and the fleets of trek gaming looking to games outside of the genre plus the modders realising that you cant mod an MMORPG like a
GSA based game it means a lot of people (like pelican who makes
dominion wars) have all but vanished. Sites like STGD notice all of the people leaving in a trickle over the course of a month and calls to Paramount for them to do something, anything, to stop the bleed out have fell on silent ears, along with the warnings from vic about the mass exodus that will happen in 2005. Vic recently left the Star Trek Advisory Board due to differences of opinion between him and, well, everyone. Seem's that old trek game fan site webmasters and trek gamers who have been around for at least as long as i have are no longer needed. Does'nt really surprise me after the pull out of the glitz and glamour which led to a slow decline in the original ST-Armada boards of which i used to be a moderator in (and no i am not
wicked before you ask).

2005 is all about the trek gaming populace surviving, with the base
structure of the site still here and some of trek gaming longest
community members now running the site and forum we fell the STGD is
the best site to finally take trek gaming by the short and curlies and
get it prepared for the coming year, 2005 will be trek gamings year of
hell, make no bones about it. Wether other "community" sites want to join in and help us is up to them, STGD will do it alone if need be and we probably will judgeing by the cold reception the reopening of
the STGD got from the majority of them, so much for the claims of
"community solidarity", still, i've seen it more and more over the
past 10 years. Remember folks, STGD opened for people like tim in one
of the previous news reports, people which other trek game websites
including this one have completely forgotten about, not only is that a
disgrace, it is completely unforgivable. We are taking the first step to remedy this though.

The STGD 2005 Community Project

The first changes will be seen on the menu of the STGD itself, a
complete rebuild of the page and menu system for easy navigation and
for the one shot quick browsers who just wanna download and get out to
play there fav mod in single player. The clan directory section along
with the mod directory sections will be re-organised for easy news
posting direct into the forum by anyone who wishes to post news along
with the clan and mod announce sections which will have OPEN AND FULL ACCESS to any clan leader and mod leader who wishes to post news when they want, where they want and even through a mobile phone...yeah
people, the STGD board is going to have W.A.P access enabled for the
first time in it's history.

Ontop of all that the forum and the site will be merged as close as
possible with most of the news appearing on this site along with the SFC downloads section being accessible and the posting of all of the sites actual news being based in the site.

The re-opening of the failed Star Trek Directory Network will also
happen, STGD is now hosting sections of Feral Yards, we host domwars
website, UNITY's website, MajorRacals site, Chris Jones mirror site and all his downloads, StarYards site and we have the largest single collection of SFC series and other trek game mods ANYWHERE on the net in an independant site. The backbone and structure for the STDN is now there, it's my intention to carry on where Vic gave up and actually get a fully working UGO style network of sites running, it can be done, it just takes time.

These are the people which trekgaming has forgotten about. The clans and fleets of trek gaming will suffer the most in the year 2005. It's not enough just to give them a simple clan directory anymore and throw some visits there way, they now have to be FULLY supported, not just in the links system but in the way clans spread news about themsevles. The clan world can be viewed as the 100 islands in trek gaming, each island puts a flag up with there news and if you happen to pass by the island you get to see there news. If you dont pass by there island you may NEVER get to see what news they are reporting on.

This is where STGD's long history in trek gaming clanning steps in.
With the introduction of the clan news network running inside the main
Star Trek Gaming News Network it means clan leaders can pop into the
STGD main forum, post there news along with other clan leaders and the news will appear on the STGD's pages and in the forum instantly.
Complete saturation of the clan news is whats needed, and its needed
NOW...not half way through 2005...NOW. There is also the main portal system for the STGD which a clan can sue which is still to be
completed on Vics end.

Clans need to see each others news and whats happening with each
others clans, it promotes clan interaction on a forum level and
entices more tournament games to appear.

The modders will also feel the pinch. STGD has been heavilly
supporting the SFC modding world for quite some time but the STGD is
not only in SFC modding, we are everywhere.

There is already some sites for SFC modding which are hosted on the
STGD. First thing we will do is finally get that network tied up and
finished with blanket advertising and support for the site we host we
will make sure the modders who are hosted on STGD will have a massive
audience compared to other sites. Once that is finished the modding
network again running inside the STDN will be thrown open for other
modders to join.

All of the aspects of the clan world, the news system, portal etc will be available to the hardest working members of thetrek gaming
community...the modders.

This is where the biggest change will be seen. Independant game news
by a new group of STGD staff, the gamers.

The last 5 years of the STGD had the news being posted by the central
staff of the STGD, for years people have wanted to work as a news poster for the web's no1 trek game site...well, now ya can.

With 2 reporters for each major game and a forum based posting system
which will be tied into the STGD and the STDN network it will be the
bedrock of the STDN project. Emphasis will be taken off the views of
the future of trek gaming and more emphasis will be put on the here
and now.

There will also be player diaries for ALL trek gamers who wish to have
an online diary of there gaming time spent in the trek game genre, it
will be tied into the forum and into the site.

So, thats the basics of the Community Survival Project, and it will be
open and running by the beginning of January 2005.

More info on the project will be posted by Vic once the central forums
are finished off.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Information. History repeats itself in the ST gaming world.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you shut down Victors plans on a fake partner. Score one for the StarTrekGamers.blogspot.com blog! This blog is really exposing them for what they are.

Anonymous said...

What the heck happened to wildcard? Back then you could count on him to fight the crap stg does but now hes a part of it? Why? /shakes head

Anonymous said...

Wildcard is a weak, pathetic little idiot with no brain nor ability to take his own direction- this blof post you made shows it all, what a turn of events. Victor is clinically insane there is no doubt about that. 'Katherine' might have been real once upon a time, but she's long gone, it's been Vic for the last 2 years at least. Tony was Vic, I couldnt agree more- what a fool. Imagine, really, a community without Vic, could anyone really match his BS, Lies, Jealousy and hatred? If we're lucky, next time he goes to 'hospital' he'll actually be kept in for longer than a day or two. Funny eh? You'd think with all these heart problems that the Hospital would keep him in for longer than a weekend. LIAR.