Saturday, June 17, 2006

STG previous parnter - History lesson Pt 1.

This is Part 1 of a multiple Part Blog Post, Read the other parts here:
[ Announcement ] [ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [ part 3 ] [ part 4 ]

So STG is getting a full partner now... course they 'considered' merging with another site but thought better of it (of course)... so now we await the big news on 'who its gonna be'. But ya know what... gotta think ol VicTurd1st is sweatin cause now he nows his buddies right here have donned the gas mask and reached into the septic tank to pull out his ... Turds of the past!

Ya see now that your gettin the lowdown on Tony he's thinking he has to get someone people actually know... cause if he gets someone nobody knows then that just shows its nothing but a shame. So hes gotta find someone who says they are a partner but won't really be a partner... or he's gonna say that the partner he was going to get has been hit by a car... or has seen all the crap from the community and wants no part of it. Course he could pull in another 'family' member... then its not really a partner either cause then it'd be just like the old days when Vic would rant and then leave and katie would take over... then katie would rant and Vic would resume control... back and forth like and on and on.

Anyway you heard it here first... within 6 months (more like 6 weeks) of this new partner joining they will leave... either hit by a bus... of kicked out because of something... or they didn't want to do it anymore cause no one was listening... just wait and see. That is if they even do it now that they know it'll be called out right here. LMAO! I can see Vic hunched over his keyboard thinking "damn that site... I hate em!"

haha ... ok... on to the history lesson

Before you can learn of Tony you have to learn about what happened right before Tony showed up. VicTurd1st had been attacking sites as usual and just going nuts because his site was turning into a ghost town. You've probably hear him say at least once that STG has "NEVER leave the community" and "THIS SITE HAS NEVER SHUT DOWN" blah blah blah. He makes it a point to say how he has always been here for the community.

Bzzzt! Wrong! BS ALERT!

Back in Nov of 2004 the Star Trek Gamers left the community! GASP! Ohhh the horror of it! Left as in 404 Error Page not Found left. Complete shutdown.

Mind you that this lasted all of two weeks... and ohh man you won't believe the BS they posted as to why they returned... but thats for later. Here is the post they threw on as many sites as possible and on their front page:

Nov 2004 - An announcement from the STGD staff

This weekend will mark the end of the 5 year run of the original Star
Trek Clan Directory.

The site itself will oficially go offline friday night after the
directory is stripped out and the downloads system is stripped out.
It's been a long 5 years, i feel the time for the STGD is now over
with more clans playing newer more better supported games and less
clans taking part in the STGD (some clans not visiting us at all) it
means that the pulling power of the site has waned over the past 2

We would rather pull the site down while it is still riding high than
watch it suffer during 2005.

From the original Armada Clan Directory back in 1999/2000 to the new
Star Trek Gamers Directory launched 2004 the whole series of sites has
seen the rise and fall of star trek gaming, we feel it's time is now

I would like to thank all the fleets who have supported the original
site and this new one especially SF, RS, RNGD, Q, UNO, SFC, 11thFleet
(of which i recently joined), UFP, ELITE and FoH.

If i missed anyone out im sorry, but there are so many clans who have
shown myself and Katherine support during the past half a decade.

Trek gamng will live on without STGD, however i must warn you all,
2005 will be a very bad year for the fleets of trek gaming, with no
new games out this year and none out in 2005 and only a beta out 2006
with a final game out 2007 it means if you have not done so yet i
would SERIOUSLY consider taking your clan into one or 2 non star trek
games, like BF1942, EQ2, WoW and the likes.

STGD does not mean trek gaming will collapse, although a lot of people
will be running around like headless chickens for a few weeks thinking
it will. There are still some sites out there that cater for the
gaming populace of trek gamers, the main one that springs to mind is and of course Raven Knights Starfleet Command, Bridge
Commander and Elite Force Universe sites.

The main mod directory will remain open for a further month to aloow
modders to download any work we are hosting on there behalf. Any
hosted sites will remain on the FTP until they are able to find a new
host, we will NOT just shut your hosted site down, take as long as you
need to find a good stable host, then contact me via to inform me that you have found a host.

To access the main mod directory, visit

As for the former STGD staff?

Our future is in Blizzard games, the above site is just a test site
for a gamers site which will eclipse the content that the STGD had in
its 5 year history, if you are going to be playing World of Warcraft
you'll catch me and katherine in the new site once it is launched.


Even in closing, they still bash us...this will give you an idea of
the lowlife scum who are populating trek games thesedays...

Someone over on my forums said that STGD has a post saying that STGD
is closing down and so is thier front page as well! I dont care ive
been banned from thier for some time! Iam simple not surprised, they
ban anyone that they dont like or dont agree with! All i can see is
that It will better for the community! Iam sick and tired of the
dividing that has accured due to the bad taste btw the community and
STGD! Its time for the community heal and come together and move


Thanks for the 5 years of the pondlife like
Acidrain...burn in hell.

Victor Mullin
Katherine Venra-Wilson
Nicola Venra
Claire Venra
James Wilson

1999 ~ 2004

Ok so now when STG claims they've never left... now you know the real truth. There isn't much to say about this... however its good info to have in the back of your head when comments like "We Never Left the Community" are thrown out. It's probably good to also include Katies last post to the community that preceeded this by a couple weeks and is an indication of how much hate they were spreading through the community (and getting back for doing it):

10-08-2004, 07:46 PM #1
Posted by Katherine Wilson
Location: Bensley, Irvine, Scotland
Posts: 50

After 4years in Star Trek gaming i am leaving. After WildCard of GQ, LordUppity of RSC and a few other leaders of minor fleets like GQ and RSC supported the rape threat i received recently i feel there is no use supporting people like GQ "FatMan" WildCard or the leader of RSC (LordUppity) who feels that fleets like RS, SFC and SF should die because they do not conform to what there "vision" of trek gaming should be. Yeah, i was threatened with rape from a former member of 11th fleet who was thrown out and DISGRACED by that fleet long before this incident happened. The website of that particular fleet will be brought down very soon, there hosting company has been informed and my lawyer now has the address of the person who threatened me.

WildCard, who called RSC a "bunch of gays" and called LordUppity "a mental retard" while at the same time releaseing propoganda with nazi intent against them is now looking at RSC and callng them best friends cause GQ "FatMan" WildCard is now running a fleet whos own council is ready to throw him out. Yeah, WildCard supports the rape of females, and so does all of his allies. WildCard and LordUppity are the reason i feel it is time for me to move on, both of them, including the leaders and webmasters of (CueBall(less), Kortez (yellow streak) and the rest have brought trek gaming down to the level it is now at, the gutter. WildCard's own place of work has been monitoring chat sessions and forum conversations, it means he will probably lose his job soon.

STGD has been threatened with lawsuits from (CueBallLess and Kortez...whos yellow streak is getting longer) along with RSC and WildCard, infact WildCard (fatman) said that STGD was a terrorist threat. WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR THE LAWSUIT! Ohh, and GQ's own council have nicknamed Wildcard "the fat redneck retard" i just thought i should give him a taste of it in public as a parting gift for him supporting the things that he seen, his own council know he is a liability to GQ, they are just too scared to throw him out and because of this it means that GQ's council will also be DRIVEN out of Star Trek gaming.

The worst part is the fleets like RS, SFC, Q, SF and the likes whom STCD and STGD has supported for more than 5 years. DO they bother to lend a hand to the OLDEST trek game site on the net? No, they dont. SF, SFC, RS and the likes only contact us if they need to use us. When they see this site in trouble they ignore us, which is a bit like the rest of the story about Parmaount, STGU and the rest of these so called "community" leaders.

Paramount have killed this franchise. The fleet's know it, the modders know it and the majority of the rest of the fan sites know it. STGD is not scared to say it but then STGU criticise us for saying it. STGU criticise the REAL FLEETS (not the 2 bit ones like FCN) who post here. Almost 90% of the fleets of trek gaming refuse to post in STGU due to the outright bias and prejudice that STGU have given to the fleets. It aint only STGU either, Paramount can be dealt the same hand as well.

In the "official" ST; Online board there is threads made by people in there where they are discussing the "resriction" of fleets in this new MMORPG (which will be a failure) NOT PARAMOUNT OR PERPETUAL has bothered to answer them back, there is now a majority of fleets who have said that they no longer trust Perpetual or the new MMORPG, Vic tried to warn them, but he was ignored. The S.T.A.B has already FAILED before it even got its feet off the ground cause from what i have seen neither Perpetual, Paramount of STGU/Chessmess give a DAMN about the fleet community, the only site thats left who does is STGD, and now we are being hounded out of the community.

Star Trek gaming is dead, it died the minute people like "FatMan" WildCard was allowed to rip off other mods and get away with it. It died when the REAL fleets like RS, SF and SFC stopped careing about what is left of this community, Devil Jones, Unimatrix and Nelson, if there was ever a time to show what kind of REAL power you guys have in trek gaming then do it NOW before it is too late. The rest of the fleets are looking to you guys for direction and NONE of you are giving it.

Now that they have stopped careing, i have as well.

A new Star Wars site is being founded by Vic, im off to run that and the actual game developers asked us to form the site. Star Wars supports what we are doing more than Star Trek does. Harry Lang should resign, it is not just me who thinks that, more than half of the trek gamers think that.

If anyone has any comments to the news story then go to the STGD boards at as no one has been able to comment in the STGU "Neutral" (neutral my ass) news system for a while now.

If you want to sue STGD join the queue of losers like WildCard (fatman) who wants to sue a website who doesnt use real names, and if you are wildcard then maybe you should excercise a bit and get ready for your council to throw you out, just like ya backstabbed coman all those months ago. Have fun "FatMan"!


Katherne Venra-Wilson
STCD/STGD staff member, 2001 ~ 2004

Now THAT is what i call a swan-song

Note from Victor1st
I left this up, Katie has done more for trek gaming than Paramount or any of you have ever done, she has even done more for this game genre than i have...and THAT is saying something.

RSC and GQ, hang your heads in SHAME.

Ok so now you know to an extent what was going on before the shutdown... and you saw the post about the shutdown. This is probably a good reminder to WildFart and Acid4Brain on what they seem to have forgotten and what they will at some point in the future experience again in due time.

Course there is so much BS in Katies post that you might as well just hang a sign on it and say its condemned... rather then go into all the details (sometimes there is so much BS in the things they say and do you just can't address it all). Here is a absolute BS statement that makes you lol...

A new Star Wars site is being founded by Vic, im off to run that and the actual game developers asked us to form the site.

Yea.. get that Vic and Katie were telling people that LucasArts had contacted them and wanted them to setup a STGD for Star Wars! LMAO!

In the next blog post you'll get to see the laughable reason they come back and you get to meet Tony! The fart in the wind! Betcha can't wait! LMAO!

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