Monday, June 19, 2006

STG previous parnter - History lesson Pt 2

This is Part 2 of a multiple Part Blog Post, Read the other parts here:
[ Announcement ] [ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [ part 3 ] [ part 4 ]

Here it is Monday and still no revelation about the new "Partner". Could "We Don't Buy Your BS" have derailed the BS train on Vics latest scheme? It would seem so... I mean how hard is it to post "Joe Schmo has joined STG as a full partner". Not very... unless of course its a big load of BS and you got some pita blogger showing people the truth you don't want them to see. Yea... then it's really really hard. lmao!

So lets recap:

  • Victor1st shuts down in Dec of '04

  • Victor1st is going to start up a World of Warcraft site and leaves Star Trek Gaming behind

  • Kathrine is going to start a Star Wars Clan Directory that has been requested by none other then Lucas Arts themselves!

  • They post on multiple sites their "So long we'll never be back" post on their front page and in forums at several sites

Now the site goes 404 gone. SGN (their hosts at the time) puts up a new subdomain for them and they put up a forum for World Of Warcraft. So for the next couple of weeks they get a couple postings by old STG forum groupies and absolutely zero interest in their site from anyone in the WoW world.

After two whole weeks in their new game they promptly shut down the WoW site and bring back StarTrek-Gamers. Many thought the announcement of STG leaving was rubbish and knew he'd be back. VicTurd1st realized that he wasn't getting the outcry by the Trek Gaming community to return... so he... lmao... hard to say this with a straight face... he invents 'Timmy' and 'Tony'. Timmy sounds just like the little cripple boy outta the story "A Christmas Carol"... and finally you get to meet Tony... check it out:

12/2/04 - STGD Website comes back online

*strolls into the STGD boards and looks around....*


A week or so ago when the STGD closed it's doors a lot of speculation
started about why it closed. To put it simply folks...I had enough of
the place, still do actually. I've been in trek gaming for just under
a decade and basically single handedly running the top Star Trek
gaming site for the past half a decade. The fact that the hits for
the front page only went down by 100 in the 5 to 10 days the site was
down is a testament to the amount of followers in the trek game world
that kept coming back hopeing the site would re-open. The THOUSANDS
of emails (yeah, over 3000 emails) i received during the closure of
the site basically forced me to re-think the closure of the STGD and
the associated network of sites.

Many people who emailed me said they are the silent gamers. The
gamers who do not mod, do not go for the clan thing and only play
online games every week or so but use this site as there homepage and
to check up on files and the latest news in the ever decreasing world
of Star Trek clans.

When STGD's plug was pulled last week I thought trek gaming was
already on it's deathbed, already laying in state and the gamers are
slowly passing by paying it's respects. Have i changed my mind about
that cause i brought the site up? No...i still think trek gaming is
laying in state and we are all passing by paying our repsects, but
there is a different attitude now which brought the site back online.
Why sit here with the largest single site resource of trek gaming and
just let the game franchise die?

Good question...

In a late night chat with Tony, the new STGD director for the network
and site, and Claire Venra, who will be working on the new upcoming
additions for the modders of the trek game world, we came to a
decision to reopen STGD. Not for the sake of the clans, most of them
probably havent even noticed STGD has actually closed. Not for the
sake of the modders either, all the modders have found new homes in
trek-online and the new STGDesque boards that Casca, Tophat,
Cozboooooooo! *cough* and the gang has set up.

So why is this site, the most regonised and talked about site in trek
gaming back?

It's back for people like Tim who is 12 years old and wrote the
following simple email...

please donot close the stcd down. it has been around for alot of years
and alot of people inmy school in the usa who play star trek games on
network in the school with our teachers dring breaks visit your site
every few days to pick up new files and game mods. we only visit stgd
as the site is easy to look around.

Tim is in the US, has just found Star Trek gaming and it seems his
teachers in his school visited the old site regularly although never
sent emails, never posted in the forum, they just used the site for
news and files.

STGD is back for people like Tim and the people in his school who have
found trek gaming, it'snow here for the gamer first and foremost.
Modders and clans will as always find the STGD as the one stop shop
for all there needs but a new emphasis on the individual gamer of trek
gaming, the silent majority, will now take shape in trek gaming.

It is true that during the past 3 months, as wildcard says in his
forums, STGD has burned a lot of bridges behind us. Those bridges are
still smoking and go back to a time in trek gaming when the STGD
itself was facing a changeing trek game world. Sure, a lot of people
have left trek gaming and sure Paramount basically dont realise just
how much damage trek gaming will take in the 3 years betwen now and
the release of the fabled Star Trek Online game (for more info on STO,
visit the STGD's is on the lower left).

Changes to the STGD are starting to take hold, for 5 years the site
has been familly ran, with only me and the Venra's having complete and
total control of the direction and view's of the site. It;s now time
for the community, the gamers, clans and modders to have there own say
on the site. Plans for the STGD site to go into 2005 which was drawn
up over the past 8 months will now slowly be put into place, entire
new sections to cater for trek gaming news, views and interviews will
open up and appear during the next month and leading into 2005. More
STGD site and forum interaction with player jornals based in the forum
and site based news portals being tied direct into the site will also
start to take shape, and when the backbone of the site is put back in job positions will be available for the first time in 5
years the community will be able to work FOR the with and not just
WITH the site.

With the pulling power this site has in all trek games (not just SFC
series) it means there will be better and more opportunities for
gamers of Armada to interact with gamers from Starfleet Command 3 is a
way that has NEVER been tried before by a gaming fan site for trek

No more sectioning off the gamers for each game into there own little
sections, what we need now in trek gaming is more interaction between
the different gamers of the different game's online to give there
views and news to each other in a centralised network of portals and
news pages, and when the structure is complete Paramount and Perpetual
can use our partner's site at STO:Central and then the STGD itself to
guage the views of the exisiting gamers, and the realtively new gamers
who are waiting for the new MMORPG.

Sounds like pie in the sky plans to you?

Half of the new network is already in place, the other half is being
worked on by me personally to be held to Tony for the main site. STGD
got bogged down in politics and the too'ings and fro'ings of the trek
game world. When this site actually starts to get serious about trek
gaming people will tell you, a lot of other game sites follow our

It's time to look to the future of Star Trek gaming, if not for
ourselfs, for the people like Tim who will be the new generation of
trek gamers to replace us old farts in a decade's time.

Former STGD Director

Bwhahahaha... Poor Tim. Can you imagine the outcry in the school when STGD closed its door? Little 12 year old Timmy and his teachers couldn't go to the only site they visited for Trek gaming anymore. His teachers went there because he and and his teachers played star trek games on the network during breaks. Anyone here been to a middle school where the teachers and students play Star Trek games during breaks? Didn't think so.

The fact that the hits for
the front page only went down by 100 in the 5 to 10 days the site was
down is a testament to the amount of followers in the trek game world
that kept coming back hoping the site would re-open. The THOUSANDS
of emails (yeah, over 3000 emails) i received during the closure

Can you imagine it... over 3000 in 10 days... that's over 300 a day! 300 every single day. Oh I believe he got 3000 emails... but 99% of them were spam about some herbal viagra or hot stock picks. LMAO! BS Alert!

It is true that during the past 3 months, as wildcard says in his
forums, STGD has burned a lot of bridges behind us. Those bridges are
still smoking and go back to a time in trek gaming when the STGD
itself was facing a changeing trek game world.

Funny that as much as things change... some things stay the same. StarTrek-Gamers burning bridges and causing chaos goes all the way back to when they began and still continues today... and will go on indefinitely. Weeeeeeeee! Round and Round the poop she goes... where VicTurd1st will throw it next only he knows.... lol!

In a late night chat with Tony, the new STGD director for the network
and site, and Claire Venra, who will be working on the new upcoming
additions for the modders of the trek game world, we came to a
decision to reopen STGD. Not for the sake of the clans, most of them
probably havent even noticed STGD has actually closed. Not for the
sake of the modders either, all the modders have found new homes in
trek-online and the new STGDesque boards that Casca, Tophat,
Cozboooooooo! *cough* and the gang has set up.

One wonders how one can BS so much without tripping and slipping in their own droppings... we'll VicTurd does it all the time and its easy to see. Take the above statement... he admits that clans didn't notice and modder didn't care... and yet they got over 3,000 emails! lmao! No one noticed... except 3,000 different individuals... can ya smell the BS in all this? yup.. loads of it.

And Tony the newly announced STGD Director for the network! Woop there it is! Whoop there it is! Good ole Tony McAdam... professed long time Trek gamer (who no one knew) and moderator of the official Armada 1 boards (who no one remember being said moderator).

Tony became STGD's site Director and pave the wave for a new era... a new partner! What with Tim, 3000 emails, Tony, and the rest of it your getting near lethal exposure to BS so we'll have to call it a day.

Up Next... Tony implements the 'Community Survival Project', followed by attacks on everyone and then up and vanishes like a fart in the wind.


Anonymous said...

Ha! So StarTrek-Gamers isn't the longest running Star Trek Gaming website on the net because they intentionally shut down!

Anonymous said...

so what that wasn't any amount of time i've seen sites down longer then 10 days

Anonymous said...

I Love This Site!!

Anonymous said...

Keep it coming... this is great!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between down time and anouncing "to hell with all you ungratefulls" and that is what Vic did... turned his back on all of us. But without the site, there was nothing stroking his Ego!