Saturday, August 23, 2008
Always vigil
One should watch was ones says when what one says is being watched.
always vigil the truth is. remember that.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Victor1st Creates Drama then Hides
Here is the video that calls him out by someone who won't take Vics lies at face value:
Since Victor1st can't prove he works for Google he posts in comments that he worked in the game industry and that peoples kids are playing the games he makes. HAHAHAHA! Show a single game that has him in the credits? if he is such a game industry vet why doesn't he show up in Moby Games for any game? answer is because he never did... he made all that up and said it was "Kathrine" and then he changed the story to himself (see previous blog entry with proof).
so he does his patented drama attack to focus attention away from the real issues and avoid answering the question by posting this:
SAY WHAT? Victor claims he owns the entire trek gaming side of star trek! he is so out of control with his lies he can't even see straight.
methods response:
so ol tricky vicky deletes his channel again for the second time... he will be back... like a gnat on rotting fruit... cause he can't stand not being in the spotlight. follow along at LiveVideoCommunity.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Victor1st Still Lives with his Parents
long ago he... or rather 'Kathrine' posted how people where sending her death threats and how they threw a brick through the front window telling them to shut down their star trek website. it was laughable then and here he is today doing the same old stunts... the guy is a real piece of work.
recently he shut down his live video channel... just like long ago (2005) he shut down his star trek website because people were tired of his drama and attacks and lies. course he reopened it a few weeks later... and lo and behold his livevideo channel reopens. Ready to attack and lie and cause as much drama as possible. don't take my word for it... just do a search on livevideo and you'll find lots of stuff like this...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
VictorHurts (or What does LiveVideo Community think of Victor1st)
Sick to death of Victor's Lies
I Got An E-mail
To Whom It May Concern....You Know Who You Are
(she doesn't say Victor's name in the video but says it in the comments and Vic made a response video about it actually threatening her via Paypal. a SINGLE MOM and he scams her out of $200 bucks!)
And there are more but unfortunately they don't allow embedding the video on the blog but you can click the link to go to the page and watch them there.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Encylopedia Dramatica
Seems Victor1st can't help but make more and more 'friends' wherever he goes. maybe its the lying... maybe its the double standards... maybe its the personal attacks he does to others... or maybe its his non-stop obsession of self-promotion at any cost. whatever it is the que of people tired of it gets longer and longer which leads to more and more people who are happy to give back what he dishes out...
Victor1st at Enclyopedia Dramatica
Gotta admit the funniest thing there is the fact that Victor edited the thing himself... must have figured that no star trek gamers would look at the history of edits and recognize the name he did it under. ya see SYN_MANDY is a known alias of Victurds... tha dude edited and added his own personal address info to the article (it was public anyway because of his domain reg). I bet he figured that it would get him sympathy... like how he constantly would get into battles in the trek gaming community and then suddenly have to go to the hospital. its common for Vic to use as many aliases as needed to get himself into the 'enemy' camp. He'll attack outright as himself and then assume an alter-ego and befriend the attacker and work it from that angle as well.
Victor1st is the modern day Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Can't Stop the Rock (Truth)
Operation Flying Monkey asks the question... "Just how many identities does Victor1st have?" Ya see Lima chooses to search for the truth and choose an alter ego that couldn't have been a better match... Wonder Woman. She stands for Truth and Justice and when someone has her rope around them it makes them unable to lie.... if only we could get that rope on Victurd. Great video... click the pic or link below to see it.
You Go Girl!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Victor1st on LiveVideo... err I mean LieVideo
A recent video (and I'm sure many others but who wants to watch over a 150 videos of Victurd talking about himself...blech) is so packed full of lies and spin that we had to rename the service he uses to LieVideo.
We'll pick it apart in another post but for now realize that 98% of what you read on this blog is absolutely true. The other 2% might be wrong mostly cuz tracking Vic's web of lies... half-truths... and spin can sometimes even fool the best trackers.
Victurd says the blog was created as website wars. nope, it was created because after nearly half a decade of vics bullying... grand-standing... saying outright lies about people in order to damage their credibility... half-truths... spinning of the facts... and his 'followers' propaganda people in the community got so fed up with it they started documenting it. Ya know the story... there are other sites out just like us who try to wipe away the deceptions so others can see the truth.
This blog put a serious damper on the harrasement and crapola that vic spewed in the star trek gaming community... and the star trek gaming community has enjoyed the peace and quiet after he left to go on his video egomaniac hijinks at LiveVideo. now he's turning that community into a drama fest.
Vics likable like that incredibly smoooth car salesmen that will look you in the eye while he compliments you on your looks... fetches a pillow for your mom to sit on... and even gives you his favorite pen to sign the contract with a smile... all the while selling you a total and complete piece of carp of a car.
vics biggest goal is to be the most friended... most linked to... most 'worshiped' person in whatever community he participates in... truth or ethics be damned. if you question it... or deny it... or get in the way of that goal then look out (or Legos armis etc etc as vic says)... as many on his LieVideo channel are finding out.
Unlike victurd we post things that are true and don't make up lies about people for the sake of building ones site or video channel. this blog isn't about number of hits... or number of 'friends' or 'subscribers'... its about letting others know the truth. vic hates this blog not because of the lies and spin it exposes... but because deep inside he knows it is his own actions that caused its creation and it isn't something he can hide or 'explain' away.
Click the following links to see the videos:
Victor1st GFY!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Victor's 1sts
Here are some firsts that Victor1st isn't so quick to mention but are absolutely true...
- StarTrek-Gamers was the first (and only) site to have all its members banned from Taldren's Starfleet Command Boards for harassment and multiple forum rule violations.
- Victor1st is the first (and only) person to have been at one time or another banned from every major Star Trek Gaming fansite.
- StarTrek-Gamers was the first (and only) site to have have it's links removed from Bethesda's Legacy website and forums due to ongoing forum violations and abuse.
(do ya see a pattern yet? lol) - Victor1st and Kathrine are the first (and only) Star Trek gaming site owners who have admitted to joining a clan for the sole purpose of destroying it from within.
- Victor1st and Kathrine are the first (and only) Star Trek gaming fans and website owners to harass the ONLY connection the fan community had with Paramount... Harry Lang... into leaving the community after many years of happily interacting with fans. Yep his continual attacks on the man, calling him a rape supporter and lying about writing the head of Viacom trying to get him fired over many many months ended with Harry leaving the community.
... and get this... Kathrine admitted in a forum post that she was happy about it and I quote "...this was the plan all along and I'm glad it worked!". - Victor1st and Kathrine are the first (and only) Star Trek gaming web admins who have for the last decade have shared the same IP address on multiple websites. ya'd think two adults who are cousins and have different jobs and lives wouldn't keep having the same ip for so many years.
- StarTrek-Gamers is the first (and only) website who's staff has actively attempted to get Star Trek game developers in trouble and fired.
- StarTrek-Gamers is the first (and only) website who has managed to harass a developer of a Star Trek game to to the point of him calling them an 'asshole' and then calling and emailing the publisher and succeeding in getting the dev fired.
- StarTrek-Gamers is the first (and only) website to have actually caused work on modding tools for the community which they pretend to support halted by getting the only person who was working on them fired. (and the community still has no tools... thanks STG... NOT!)
- StarTrek-Gamers is the only site to have been removed by publishers due to their behavior (removed from Perpetual's Star Trek Advisory Board... removed from Bethesda's website... removed from Taldren's forum and shunned by Activision).
Next time he goes on about the stuff he's done (and you can bet a chunk of it is spin)... link him to this blog post and remind him of all his achievements.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Victor1st isn't blackballed in the blogosphere
good thing too cuz trying to dig out of the ever flowin BS that Victurd dishes out all by your lonesome can wear ya out! Thats three fansites now by my count... makes ya wonder.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
2006 Truth Bustin Award
now that the cats outta the bag (again) and fingered another person as me they use blindin brilliance to link lotsa new people here... lmao! Its kinda like a police line-up where the person behind the mirror fingers the bad guy... and then the bad guy says "I KNOW WHO IS BEHIND THE GLASS"... except no one cares because you did what you did and there ain't no denian!
Ya see truth slices through the bull and no matter how hard they try and how many ways they play it... they know what is posted here is right on the money. rofl! Heck its even in their own words. Ya can't 'twist' vics attacks because they are so blunt and in your face. hit a dude with a hammer and try and 'twist' it that ya hit him with a pillow... dont work. So tune in next week to see who they say I am because it changes daily and makes me laugher harder each time! (ya think the possibility of multiple people has even crossed their minds yet? Mwhahaha)
Even though my inbox (vicsaprat at gmail) is full of stuff being sent nearly every day keep sendin more and as always sources remain confidential. I get stuff all the time and after proper fact checkin and followup ta make sure its right then the magic happens and the BS is revealed for what it is!
So lets get down to our top nominies this year. Send an email to vicsAprat at gmail with your vote for top entry. have fun readin these over and shaking your head. vic may be a smooth talker on that podcast... lmao... but like a man with anal leakage he leaves skid marks all over the internet!
1. I'm Boycotting your Site! But you can't ban me!
2. I'm not part of STG, how dare you imply that! ... Hey everyone I'm on the STG team now! Weeeee
3. Victor1st cries "They Stole Our Ideas"
4. STG previous parnter - History lesson (announcement w/links to parts 1-4)
5. Dumb and Dumber Part I
6. Caught in their own lies!
7. Nice Artwork
8. Write-In ... you submit your a link to your favorite if its not in the list.
So thats the nominees... many posts were equally worthy (some sitting in draft status unfinished). send yer votes to VicsAprat at gmail.
hang around for 2007 cause as long as the bs is spewethed from master con man Victurd this blog is gonna be here dishin out the truth.
Ta all the new fans of the blog brought by linkage from the the 3 stooges of Trek gaming welcome! bookmark us cause as much as Victor1st spews his ego on everyone you'll need the blog to 'towel' off and see.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Scott Murphy aka AcidRain aka GenTitus aka Publius aka Defense Contractor aka Idiot
So lets just start this with a few Keywords to help the search engines find us based on what ole Acid is wanting:
FBI TERRORIST RAPE SCOTT MURPHY ACIDRAIN GENTITUS BATTLEFIELD CENTRAL LIAR IDIOT DUMBA$$ ACCUSED RAPIST DEFENSE CONTRACTOR THREATS ABUSE OF POWER THREATENS OTHERSSo you might know Scott Murphy from Hesperia, California better as AcidRain... who is constantly on a large number of gaming sites every day, obviously during working hours as a defense contractor (does his boss know he surfs game sites all day? Maybe he'll find this blog entry on the web and run a check on his machine and see). Maybe he's studying for his Masters degree like he's said. A Masters Degree... the dude must write pretty well considering his education level. Lets look at his latest writing endeavor... note the grace and style:
Session Start Acidrain/GenTitus - Mon Sep 18 17:36:22 2006
[17:38] Acidrain/GenTitus: you know what this is bullshit coming from you about apoliogize, well you know what i want a fucking apologize from Chessmess
[17:39] Jaz: chess did nothing to you
[17:39] Jaz: if he did something without my knowledge then I cant say anything
[17:39] Acidrain/GenTitus : Its all bullshit, you arent doing you community a favor by not reporting it. We havent said anything bad about STGU on the podcast, matter of fact we have mentioend it
[17:40] Acidrain/GenTitus: Well, tell you something Chessmess doesnt keep his mouth shut, ill make sure that the IRS looks into his life and ill make it a living hell if he keeps talking his shit about me to Maddoc.
Looks like Scott Murphy would use whatever influence he has as a defense contractor in order to make the IRS cause another person real life trouble. Sounds like an abuse of power to me. Lets continue...
[17:40] Jaz: I dont know, he doesnt talk to stgu either
[17:40] Acidrain/GenTitus: Belieive me, unlike Vic iam an American like Chessmess and i work in defense industry and ill destroy Chessmeesss
I sure hope his boss does a search on the web for Scott Murphy and comes across this. Obviously anyone in the US Government would find such comments of one of its Defense Department workers to be of interest.
[17:41] Acidrain/GenTitus : Iam sick of name being dragged by STGU
[17:41] Jaz: i dont think Chess is concerned if you work in defence or not
[17:41] Acidrain/GenTitus: and Chessmess and his shit talking of me at Maddoc, i know someone who works for Maddoc that have told me so
[17:41] Jaz: he has his job, and no matter what you can do you probably cant get him sacked
[17:41] Acidrain/GenTitus : well, let me tell you something i know people in the FBI and i make his life a living hell
Now Scott Murphy (or AcidRain if you prefer) is threatening someone by indicating he will use connections at the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Surely the FBI would like to know about this. Lets hope this little blog entry gets their attention because I'd love for them to pay him a visit and talk about these comments in person.
[17:42] Acidrain/GenTitus: lol
[17:42] Jaz: well for many years Vic and chess have been arging against each other
[17:42] Acidrain/GenTitus: you think so
[17:42] Jaz: he knows what vic does shit
[17:42] Acidrain/GenTitus: well, let me tell you something perhaps i should do something to show that Chessmess supportsw terrorist
Gotta love how Scott Murphy (aka AcidRain) will now try and do something to frame chessmess and show he supports terrorists. Why that would probably cause chessmess and his wife and his children considerable harm, possibliy make him loose his job, make it more difficult for him to find work and support his family. Why? Because apparently AcidRain doesn't like chessmess because he ran STGU. Nothing like abusing ones power and trying to destroy the life of another including the guys family over a video game website.
Says alot about the moral and ethics of Scott Murphy (aka Acidrain or Publius or GenTitus @ doesn't it.
[17:45] Acidrain/GenTitus: I know for a fact even if Chessmess got the job iam sure he stroked someone cock when i know for a fact the cant mod worth shit.,
Scott Murphy is really showing his skillz at tha keyboard right yo? Know many game companies that hire someone to do game programming that can't mod worth shit? lol
[17:45] Acidrain/GenTitus - gayspy
[17:45] Acidrain/GenTitus - : Hell we
already know that MAddoc isnt all that and Legacy wont be anything
what anyone thinks it will be.
Pay attention Bethesda... all that love you showered on Vic and his crew won't mean squat when the game hits and they can stop with the pretending and get down with the hatin (since they don't need anything from you anymore).
[17:46] Jaz: stop moaning, chess has only been working there for a
limited time...if the game was designed for pesistant universe aand widespread modding they would have worked it out before he arrived
[17:46] Acidrain/GenTitus - Why, becuase the relationship between Maddoc and BEthsoft arent all that and Maddoc is a joke from what i have been told
Apparently Erin has been telling AcidRain all about the relationship? Or more likely based on Kinneas it's Derek Chester. Poor Derek is gonna find out all that stuff he's been tellin these guys on the sly... doesn't stay on the sly.
[17:46] Acidrain/GenTitus: I know, he is nothing i mod and produce script more than he can.
[17:46] Acidrain/GenTitus : Wow, iam sure he sucked someones cock
Which makes complete sense when you think about the fact that chessmess got hired by Mad Doc and he didn't. Opps! He follows up with the power insult... oohhhh Scot t Murphy is saying some guys sucked another guys wang. Way to go AcidRain!
[17:47] Jaz: well he got hired by maddoc, you didnt...that's his job
and you do yours
[17:47] Jaz: instead of pissin off maddoc and bethesda by complaining about him
[17:47] Jaz: he's not going anywhere
[17:48] Acidrain/GenTitus : Yeah, iam sure unlikes him i make more money, oh and lets not forget that he has no business ethics as he would have done more to seperate himself from STGU earlier but he is nothing mor ethan child
Can ya smell the BS? Scott Murphy (aka AcidRain) says chessmess aint got no ethics and he's a child. Yet oddly enough I can't find anything anywhere where chessmess said anything bad about AcidRain. However here Scott Murphy is saying he's going to use his contacts in the Defense Industry to "destroy chessmess"... use contacts at the FBI to cause him trouble... use contacts at the IRS to make life for him and his family a living hell... and golly sure seems to 'act the child' by saying chess sucked cock to get his job.
Sez alot about Scott Murphy don't it.
[17:48] Jaz: he did nothing for STGU while working at maddoc
[17:49] Jaz: since E3 infact he stopped posting at all
[17:49] Acidrain/GenTitus - : well,
from my information he still favor things.
[17:49] Jaz: He holds all the STGU licenses and most of the domains
[17:49] Acidrain/GenTitus - : Well,
do me a favor if he stop slandering my name ill sue his ass.
[17:50] Jaz: and he hasnt reknewed them
[17:50] Jaz: renewed*
Yea ole Acid's higher education is really shinning through. The same dude who apparently said that PJC on the forums at Bethsoft used poor spelling and grammer after PJC was posting trying to help others learn more about Legacy.
Course this kind of behavior isn't uncommon for AcidRain. A easy google search will show you that he has been seen pissin and moaning about BF2 to the point of nearly getting kicked off several forums.
Victurd even helps him hide his lies. How so? We'll a post was made on StarTrek-Gamers by AcidRain awhile back about how a anonymous person emailed them about concerns about Mad Doc. Funny thing was the anonymous person said they worked in the defense industry. Opps! As soon as Acid realized his mistake he edited the post and removed that. Then when another forum member questioned this anonomous person that Acid reported on Vic locked the thread. Yea Acid we didn't fall for your lies then and we don't now.
Did you know that at one time AcidRain has some pretty hateful stuff to say about Kathrine Venra? Apparently she felt AcidRain supports rape. Her is what Victor1st had to say:
Re: The proof
Posted: Dec 30, 2004 at 10:46 pm
You want the truth? Ok i'll give it to you.
Not long ago Katherine received a rape threat from a former member of 11th fleet. This member was sumarilly thrown out. However, WildCard AKA Mr Buskirk and AcidRain who has a forum hosted by trek-online SUPPORTED THE RAPE THREAT.
As far as i am concerned Mr Buskirk (i mentioned your name FATMAN) supports RAPE of females, he has known the screenshots of the said forum has been held to my lawyer and the said forum was closed by the administrator and my lawyer. WildCard )aka Mr Buskirk) supports RAPE. I have the evidence, he said to myself and Katie that his own lawyer will sue STGD cause and i quote.... "we are terrorists" well...i am still waiting on the lawsuit from Mr Buskirk (FATMAN) the supporter of RAPE."
We'll you find it hard to argue with that because it seems Acid still has a thing about 'rape'. Listen to Argus Array Episode 12 Part 2 and at 69mins 30secs in you can hear him using this exact language:
AcidRain: "I hate Microsoft. I hope the European Union Rapes Microsoft, I really do."
Ya'd think with his 'defense' job and his going for his 'masters degree' he'd be a person of morals. But then alot of the people who you see on Datelines "To Catch a Child Predator" seem pretty moral as well, doctors, school teachers... until they show up at that house.
Gotta admit the irony involved when AcidRain questions other people morals and education while he himself acts this way. Scott Murphy, aka GenTitus, aka AcidRain... we don't buy your BS.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Victor1st - Game Industry "Expert"
But he also inflates his own importance and accomplishments. Its almost comical to watch his little crew shake their heads up and down even when they know that he's doin it... but for them its easier to do that then to call him on it and get blasted with wanna Vics classic attacks. Like most pathological liars he gets tripped up in his own BS eventually... and bam we have today's example.
Some say that Vic and Katie are one and the same. Some say they are not. However one has to wonder why Katie always shows up when Vic isn't there... or why Katie and Vic share near identical grammatical and spelling patterns... why Katie and Vic have never had a photo together yet have no problem posting individual photos... why Katie and Vic share the same IP address on the forums they've been on... why Katie doesn't seem to show up at all on the official Bethsoft Trek game boards... and why Katie has never made an appearance on the Argus Array.
Despite community callouts for a photo of both together none was ever shown. Ya'd think that having her on the podcast is a easy way to dispel that mystery. Even good buddy Wildcard had this to say about the 'Vic is Katie' Theory:
Quote from Wildcard:
Now you have Victor registering on Taldren's forums, the forum's, and a few other forums. Always with Katherine registered as well, because she always makes a post as well usually first. Now when Victor acts like the raving lunatic he is and get banned you see him cry
Victor1st Quote: "they have banned the entire staff of the webs #1 Fan Game site"
I used to be a moderator on the STGD when my Mod "The Near Distant Future" was hosted there, I saw Victors, Katherine's, and Nicole's email addresses and IP. I know. His explanation to me was that they (Nicole and Katherine at the time) use his computer.
Have you ever wondered why when Vic or Katherine gets banned they all get banned? I know why, they are all the same person, Victor has only one IP and it belongs to all the persona's he has aka Tony, Victor, Katherine, and Nicole. It happened when he got banned at Taldren,, and the STGU.
He has used aliases to get in IRC channels and gain SOP rights. Used Fake Gamespy Wizard Names, he has been caught red handed registering on multiple forums as Victor and Katherine and having the same IP address.
I can't really say if Katie exists or not... but the circumstantial evidence that she doesn't is pretty heavy. This post isn't about her existence though... its about him inflating things... and oddly enough how (as has been repeated in the past) Katies experiences morph into Vics experiences and vice-versa.
So it should come to you as no surprise that Katie who has been around since the very beginning of Vic being around... up and out of the blue in a STG News posting entitled "The Storm On The Horizon" posted in 2005 Katie made this astounding never before mentioned revelation:
Author: Katherine [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:17 am ]
Post subject: Re: The Storm On The Horizon
Ok, tried to look at Jaz post, all i seen was the picture of a little new born kid crying. Sorry Jaz, your posts don't cut it here with me any long. I've been in the gaming business for 5 years. First working for Activision, now working freelance for BliZZard and iD.
I look at this franchise and all I see is a joke, thats all i see now, A JOKE.
Wow! Up until this point Katie nor anyone else had ever mentioned anywhere their involvement with these companies. If she was working freelance at those companies in 2005 and has been doing it for five years that means whe was working AT Activision during the glory days of Star Trek Gaming.... AND NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT IT! In Fact she was condemning and criticising Activision... the very company she supposidly worked for.
Smells like Katie's new found industry experience is nuthin but a WHOLE crap load of BS doesn't it?
However oddly enough everyone kinda just took it at face value. Oh there was some who questioned it... but as usual whenever it was questioned the response never came or was ignored and some other aspect of the person questioning it was attacked in order to draw attention away.
So Katie suddenly became a 'industry expert' whenever she needed to pull out that card to inflate her standing and prove she knew more then whoever it was she was arguing with. Vic was there of course standing by "her" side affirming it.
Now we come to the here and now... when through the magic of BS suddenly Victor himself reveals HE'S been working in the gaming industry. Incredibly doing the very same things Katie was supposedly doing. Here are the posts:
Victor1st: I deal in the real world of Star Trek gaming and the franchise that goes with it, this site has ties with all the games developers and publishers. I myself used to work for PC Gamer magazine in its UK division, Katherine has worked for Activision, bliZZard, iD, eidos and a host of other smaller game developers so you see...we know a thing or two about gaming communities. STG isnt just an oridinary fan gaming site, this is the longest running, oldest independant gaming site of this franchise. The staff of this site has been in the gaming world for longer than half of you kiddies have been alive.
So you see here is an example of Vic saying Katie did all this work (which has grown over time... another Victor1st liar trademark). Now its hard keepin multiple identies seperate and here we see Vic having difficulties... although I suspect he just wants to transfer the BS prestiege he gave to Katie to himself....
Victor1st on Official Boards:As for telling me to "get real" maybe when you have worked for PC Gamer, Activison and iD like i have then you might have a leg to stand on when talking about the business of PC Gaming. Until then i advise you not to treat me like like one of the devs in here, cause i am liable to bite back...hard.
Take note of how Victor1st clearly identifies himself as the person who now has all the game industry experience. Opps! LMAO! Victor1st doesn't think anyone is watchin or cares about the truth... Bzzzt! Looks like you just got yourself tripped up in one of your many lies Victurd... ole "Gaming Industry Vetern".
You have to feel sorry for Victor1st... no doubt there isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't feel the sting of the truth that the guy he loves to hate... ChessMess... is working in the game industry getting paid to work on Star Trek games... and he sits in his little room trying to create a little 'empire' and being bitch slapped at every turn by this blog and those who won't stand for his lies and bullying... having to pay out to be a wannabe in the Star Trek gaming franchise.
So Katie says nothing about working in the industry until years later... Victor doesn't say anything about it until years later... Vic is clearly caught lying and saying he has gaming industry experience he was once attributing to Katie... and neither has ever said exactly what they did or proved it in any form. PC Gamer UK? Where are the articles with author "Victor Mullin"? None. Maybe their freelance Blizzard work was being in the limited 10,000 member WoW beta? ROFL!!
Next time they spout off to you about working in the industry... say "Prove It". They can't of course... because they never did and this clear as daylight Victor1st caught in his own lies example proves it. Its just one of a never ending list of BS pumped out by Victor1st at and elsewhere.
Ha! Sorry Victurd... and Katurine.... we don't buy your BS. Don't just sit there readin the blog Vic... you got some covering up to do! LMAO!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The world of Double Standards
"STGU Members now Bash Minors" by Victurd 6/3/06"
Yeah, its another one of those STGU topics again, however this was brought to my attention by Wild of and in my eyes this sinks to the lowest of the low.
STGU admins and staff are now allowing the flaming of MINORS in there forum with the offending flamers not being banned.
For more details of the latest screw up courtesy of the fallen 3rd reich over in STGU visit
Bashing grown ups is one thing, and ChessMess deserves everything he gets. However allowing the bashing of MINORS who have Parental Permission to join a GameSpy hosted board not only breaks one of the fundamental rules of GS hosting, it also lays STGU staff wide open to be prosecuted by the actual parents of the same kid who was bashed around by brainless posters in STGU.
The moral of the story?
If you are a parent and let your kids play trek games, dont allow them to visit STGU any longer. if ya dont agree with the stuff that goes on in this site then you have a 3rd alternative which is of course whos forums are more family orientated than STG and now STGU."
and Wildcard's "STGU Members Now bashes kids for liking site" 6/2/06 which is too long to repost here (I'll throw it into the comments).
So Victurd and Wildcard make this huge deal about one member flaming another and how STGU didn't have Coppa stuff and wasn't kid safe etc etc. Wildcard saying his site takes measure to protect kids etc etc.
Course we all really knew what it was about... nothing more then another 'opportunity' to blast STGU for something... to try and drag them into the mud and make them look bad.
So now when members are Startrek-Gamers are bashing minors... using such language as...
{=XA=}AdmChong wrote:
And yet again, you have turned this personal. How dare you bring my sister-in-law and niece into this. Accusing Cheech of beating his wife and child?? You’re an A$$ and you have gone too far. You were warned, yet you continue to degrade my brother and myself. Now bitch, this has turned personal.
and much worse (what happened at STGU was sugar coated gumdrops compared to the language and hate being slung at STG). All the things that Victurd and Wildfart were so against has gone down at STG... yet nary a single word about it on the front page of their sites. No one was banned... days of this before one thread is locked and it continues on in others.
Vic wanted it to be clear that "If you are a parent and let your kids play trek games, don't allow them to visit STGU any longer." but they shut up when it goes on their site at a level 100x worse then anything that was at STGU.
That is what is known as Double Standards...
something that Victor1st, Acidrain and Wildcard live by.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Nice Artwork

Apparently you can do this kind of stuff as long as you have a disclaimer on the picture. Go ahead and feel free to email about how much you like or dislike his modifications ta Kin's artwork.
Remember when Wildcard opened his site because he hated Vic and the drama he caused and how he wanted a drama free and friendly site. Now its admin is trashing artwork to help make fun of other sites while they post 'rumor' attacks in hidden threads and on the front page of the site. Amazing what the need for traffic will make a person stoop to.
Kind of shows how buddy buddy Trek-Online STG and Kinneas are gettin. Funny how Vic has ended up with Trek-Online's main news poster (turning WC's site into nothing but a copy machine for Trek Gaming news) as well as Zach's main co-host. Wonder if Vic helped Zach to get back on his feet like Zach helped him by bringing him into the Trek gaming podcast world? Hmmmmmmmm.... course we know the answer to that one already.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Touching a Nerve
Victurd1st: "How many hits is STGU getting? Ohh, thats right, they REMOVED the counter when STG published the 5 million hit notice 4 months ago."
Of course that is total BS... you know the old saying "The truth hurts".... must have burned old Victurds buns to have the truth about him removing the public hit counter on his website because the numbers he said were not even close to what the site was actually doing.
Wanna prove how many hits your getting Victurd? Easy... put an independant 3rd party public viewable counter back on the main page. That would be an easy way to shut up the doubters wouldn't it Vic? Course then it'd also be a easy way to prove just how much BS you've been pouring out about the hits on your site.
So, the very action Victurd takes kinda is indicative of the truth.... not that removing the counter in the first place indicated his guilt enough... not putting one back tells you the same.
Here is something fun... check out the results of a Googlefight between Star Trek Gaming Universe and Star Trek Gamers...
I have to admit I think the results of this one is much more telling...