Still waiting to hear the news about that partner....
Revealing the truth about Victor1st's web of lies, deceipt, and spin.
Posted front page of stgd 1/22/05
An email to Lang and Chessmess...
It is now time for STCD to come clean with the emails we are sending
Paramount and Chessmess of STGU...
Whats wrong ChessMess...dont want to answer?
What about you Harry? Dont want to answer?
You are 2 of the people who have pushed this as far as it can go, i
will now push it further. I am Victor, the director of STGD.
STGD will revert back to the Star Trek Clan Directory now as more and
more clans TRUST and SUPPORT me and this site more than ChessMess and
As for you Mr Lang, you answer to your bosses...I hope the
representative of Mr Redstone goes easy on you.
Chess, run away like you done with the people of UT...run chess, run...coward...
The above is a section of an email i sent to both Harry Lang and
Chessmess. I also made references to the people behind trek-online who
support the rape of females of trek gaming, a site which Paramount and
Chessmess of STGU support. Gamespy have been made aware of the support
that STGU give "WildCard" who was responsible for the threats against
Katie, WildCard supports rape, it means that trek-online (which
literally stole all of STGD's downloads) supports rape. Mr Buskirk
(aka wildcard) threatened to sue STGD cause it was "a terrorist
threat" that was last year, however it seems Mr Buskirk is a coward we
never received that lawsuit...he knows if a lawsuit happens his site
would bite the dust and he would land in jail. Therefore STCD (this
site is now the Star Trek Clan Directory) is now at war with Wildcard
and trek-online.
I warned you all, i warned Paramount...people and clans have been
jumping down this sites throat to answer cowards like Wildcard who
support rape. Now the time has come. Paramount and Harry Lang seem to
support sites like STGU ran by ChessMess (another coward) who also
supports Wildcard. Mr Redstone will take care of lang. It's the STCD's
job to shut down all the others sites ran by brainless morons like
Chessmess who havent played a trek game in 2 years.
The time of the STCD is now upon us. ALL TRUE clans and fleets of trek
gaming, all TRUE modders of trek gaming and all TRUE gamers of trek
gaming, send me your complaints against the franchise. I GUARUNTEE you
it will be posted on the front page of this site. It is time for the
franchise holders to stop IGNOREING the clans and start LISTENING to
you, the clanner, modder and gamer of trek gaming. STGU lied when they
said they are the longest running trek game site. Trek-online lied
when they said they supported trek gaming and was the no.1 trek game
site. Both of these sites are trying to steal visitors from STGD, why?
Because Wildcard and Chessmess are both cowards. Chessmess is well
known in the clan community of UT as a "shafter", someone who double
crosses gamers. Wildcard is not even heard of outside of SFC 3 cause
his fleet "GQ" got whacked by fleets outside of SFC 3, why? Cause
Wildcard is also a coward. He lets his other fleet members handle his
problems for him, the mark of a true yellow streak.
Trek-online CHARGE you, the trek gamer for some of there
services...they are CHARGING YOU for the courtesy of using some of the
setvices of there site which they directly copied off the STGD...do
you see us charging you? No, you do not. trek-online are in this to
make a profit, they are in this to make money from you the trek gamer,
they have taken all the ideas of the STGD and put it in there site,
all the while, a rape supporter like WildCard is creaming off the trek
gaming populace...its the mark of a coward.
This site may now fall under Star Trek Clan Directory rules, but if
you are a clan, if you are a modder and if you are a gamr of trek
gaming, and you want the TRUTH about this franchise and what state it
is in, you keep looking at this site and visit the forum when it is up
and running. You will get a shock.
This site was based on a site which was here in 1999, STGU and
trek-online have been lieing to trek gamers about the state of this
franchise for the past 2 years. It is STCD's job to set the record
I am Victor1st, i answer and stand up to anything i say, and you are
now reading the front page of the Star Trek Clan Directory. Go to
trek-online ran by wildcard (rape supporter) or STGU ran by chessmess
(trek-online supporter) and ask them if there sites have been running
for more than half a decade, if they say yes, they are liars. This
site is the longest running trek game site on the net. We receive more
than 12,000 hits a day. No one else in the trek game fan site genre
can come near us. If this site was as bad as STGU and trek-online was
saying, do you think we would still be here?
No, i didnt think so.
Also, new sites, supported by STGU which are built for the new MMORPG
have also been seen with there own close knit staff supporting the
bashinf of the site, heres a thread from "startrek-online[.net]" which is
supposed to be "for the community". It might interest all the fleets
and clans out there that this is one of the sites whos members
supported the "curtailing" of the fleet system of ST-online. Don't
belevie me? Go read the various threads about fleets in the official
boards. Even there own so called "independant" moderator takes a jab
at this site in his responce before locking the thread. Yes folks
startrek-online.net are anti clan, anti fleet and anti stgd after
banning all the members of the STGD staff from posting in there forum.
That is the future of "indepandant community sites" yeah, if you wanna
community site ran by brainless spinless wannabees...you can visit the
above site.
We apologise Posted by Tony on 1/12/2005 at 11:53 pm Front Page of Site
The staff of STGD apologise for not being here.
The main reason is the continueing harrasment by STGU and trek-online members threatning Vic, Myself and katie who no longer works here. Chessmess suported the staff of trek-online (who threatened katie with rape) and now that Harry Lang (paramounts lead on trek gaming) has been seen to support Chessmess alot of once avid trek gamers of BoTF, Armada and EF Series games have left.
I have sent a handwritten letter to Mr Sumner Redstone, the CEO of Viacom which owns Paramount. The slandering of the STGD now ends here, even if it spells the end of the trek game franchise. All visitors of trek-online and STGU, you brought it on yourselfs by some of your more avid followers continueing to threaten the staff of this site.
Now the storm will begin.
Posted by Victor in the forums on 1/12/2005 at 11:59pm
I just want to make a post here saying i support what Tony has done. If Lang is not willing to listen then his bosses are. I will also be contacting GameSpy as they are hosting STGU. As tony has said, i have been in and out of hospital, 3 weeks of harrasement by trek-online and STGU members. If Lang (who supports chessmess) doesnt deal with it, then Mr Redstone will. As we have contiued to say...STGD is the
NUMBER 1 trek game site. A lot of people out there are discusted by the personal threats made by trek-online staff in the past and discusted by the support of STGU which is hosted by gamespy. Now is the time for STGD to deal with it.
Posted Front Page of website on 1/16/2005
Due to a lot of problems with the base code of the site the whole STGD had to be taken offline to prevent a further disaster in the FTP, normal services will return soon. I myself have also come to the conclusion that the time for the STGD to stand up and be counted has arrived. As for me personally (this is Tony typing this) I neither have the time, or the inclination to deal with the anmount of hassle that Vic has had to deal with during the 5 years of running this site. People in the community who say they are "for" the community are really only interested in there own perogatives and there own beleifs for what this once massive gaming franchise meant. As i have said, i sent a letter to Mr Redstone, it will probably be on his desk anytime soon.
As for me, I am leaving the Trek gaming community and heading off to pastures new. Some of you who remember me as a small moderator in the old ST-Armada boards will remember me saying that i would never leave this community, that i would never turn my back on the people who gave so much to this franchise for so little praise, well, the time has come. The big "community" sites are now too busy targeting this site to try and take it down. I will no longer be a part of a gamming community whos top sites attack and target this place, which is the LONGEST running trek gaming fan site in existance. I leave this site back in the hands of Victor, I have taken the gloves off for him, what he decides to do next is on the heads of the so called "community"
leaders. On discussions of leaving Vic has decided to revert the whole site back to the days of the STCD when it was truley on it own. As it stands now ladies and gentlemen the STGD is again on it own. Ignored by other community sites, targeted for extinction by some community sites and generally reviled by Paramount. This site is the last, best hope for a true voice in the gaming comminity to be heard. It is still
the top site after half a decade of war with other community sites and as far as Vic is concerned it will continue to report the REAL news about trek gaming, the REAL sorry bad shape the franchise is in to REAL gamers who visit THIS site. STGD is back in the hands of the clan world, where it should have remained in the first place instead of trying to go "mainstream" to please everyone else who runs fansites.
Anthony McAdam "Jester" aka "JesterGrove"
Posted March 20th, 2005 on Trek-Online Front Page
I do know that Tony aka Victor registered on trek-online's forums, Victor and Tony have the same IP address.
I know that Tony sent multiple emails to Harry Lang trying to get back into the good graces of Harry after acting like smacktards over on the STGU forums.
Tony aka Victor explained to Harry Lang that the reason that the e-mail’s IP address is the same as Victor Tony happened to be at Victor's house that morning when he sent it. Now Harry Lang didn’t ask or inquire anything about an IP, this was Victor covering his tracks just in case.
Now you have Victor registering on Taldren's forums, the Dynaverse.net forum's, and a few other forums. Always with Katherine registered as well, because she always makes a post as well usually first. Now when Victor acts like the raving lunatic he is and get banned you see him cry
they have banned the entire staff of the webs #1 Fan Game site
I used to be a moderator on the STGD when my Mod "The Near Distant Future" was hosted there, I saw Victors, Katherine's, and Nicole's email addresses and IP. I know. His explanation to me was that they (Nicole and Katherine at the time) use his computer.
Have you ever wondered why when Vic or Katherine gets banned they all get banned? I know why, they are all the same person, Victor has only one IP and it belongs to all the persona's he has aka Tony, Victor, Katherine, and Nicole. It happened when he got banned at Taldren, Dynaverse.net, and the STGU.
He has used aliases to get in IRC channels and gain SOP rights. Used Fake Gamespy Wizard Names, he has been caught red handed registering on multiple forums as Victor and Katherine and having the same IP address.
This is the same person and site that brags about joining a Fleet or Clan just to break them apart because they do not share the STGD's thoughts. Victor has bragged about destroying Fleets and website's for having a disagreement with him. That is not an action of a sane individual.
Now what more proof do you need that Victor is a Raving Lunatic? He has a few brainwashed STGD minion worshipers like Age, and a few others but the rest of the community has seen Victor for the Fake he is. Victor does not care about this community, he cares about the strife he can cause this community.
I swore I would not let his ranting effect me here, and I swore I would never answer his banter, but sometimes you need to inform the community about a threat. Victor and the STGD are, and will remain a threat to any community they come into contact with.
12/2/04 - STGD Website comes back online
*strolls into the STGD boards and looks around....*
A week or so ago when the STGD closed it's doors a lot of speculation
started about why it closed. To put it simply folks...I had enough of
the place, still do actually. I've been in trek gaming for just under
a decade and basically single handedly running the top Star Trek
gaming site for the past half a decade. The fact that the hits for
the front page only went down by 100 in the 5 to 10 days the site was
down is a testament to the amount of followers in the trek game world
that kept coming back hopeing the site would re-open. The THOUSANDS
of emails (yeah, over 3000 emails) i received during the closure of
the site basically forced me to re-think the closure of the STGD and
the associated network of sites.
Many people who emailed me said they are the silent gamers. The
gamers who do not mod, do not go for the clan thing and only play
online games every week or so but use this site as there homepage and
to check up on files and the latest news in the ever decreasing world
of Star Trek clans.
When STGD's plug was pulled last week I thought trek gaming was
already on it's deathbed, already laying in state and the gamers are
slowly passing by paying it's respects. Have i changed my mind about
that cause i brought the site up? No...i still think trek gaming is
laying in state and we are all passing by paying our repsects, but
there is a different attitude now which brought the site back online.
Why sit here with the largest single site resource of trek gaming and
just let the game franchise die?
Good question...
In a late night chat with Tony, the new STGD director for the network
and site, and Claire Venra, who will be working on the new upcoming
additions for the modders of the trek game world, we came to a
decision to reopen STGD. Not for the sake of the clans, most of them
probably havent even noticed STGD has actually closed. Not for the
sake of the modders either, all the modders have found new homes in
trek-online and the new STGDesque boards that Casca, Tophat,
Cozboooooooo! *cough* and the gang has set up.
So why is this site, the most regonised and talked about site in trek
gaming back?
It's back for people like Tim who is 12 years old and wrote the
following simple email...
please donot close the stcd down. it has been around for alot of years
and alot of people inmy school in the usa who play star trek games on
network in the school with our teachers dring breaks visit your site
every few days to pick up new files and game mods. we only visit stgd
as the site is easy to look around.
Tim is in the US, has just found Star Trek gaming and it seems his
teachers in his school visited the old site regularly although never
sent emails, never posted in the forum, they just used the site for
news and files.
STGD is back for people like Tim and the people in his school who have
found trek gaming, it'snow here for the gamer first and foremost.
Modders and clans will as always find the STGD as the one stop shop
for all there needs but a new emphasis on the individual gamer of trek
gaming, the silent majority, will now take shape in trek gaming.
It is true that during the past 3 months, as wildcard says in his
forums, STGD has burned a lot of bridges behind us. Those bridges are
still smoking and go back to a time in trek gaming when the STGD
itself was facing a changeing trek game world. Sure, a lot of people
have left trek gaming and sure Paramount basically dont realise just
how much damage trek gaming will take in the 3 years betwen now and
the release of the fabled Star Trek Online game (for more info on STO,
visit the STGD's partner...link is on the lower left).
Changes to the STGD are starting to take hold, for 5 years the site
has been familly ran, with only me and the Venra's having complete and
total control of the direction and view's of the site. It;s now time
for the community, the gamers, clans and modders to have there own say
on the site. Plans for the STGD site to go into 2005 which was drawn
up over the past 8 months will now slowly be put into place, entire
new sections to cater for trek gaming news, views and interviews will
open up and appear during the next month and leading into 2005. More
STGD site and forum interaction with player jornals based in the forum
and site based news portals being tied direct into the site will also
start to take shape, and when the backbone of the site is put back in
place...site job positions will be available for the first time in 5
years the community will be able to work FOR the with and not just
WITH the site.
With the pulling power this site has in all trek games (not just SFC
series) it means there will be better and more opportunities for
gamers of Armada to interact with gamers from Starfleet Command 3 is a
way that has NEVER been tried before by a gaming fan site for trek
No more sectioning off the gamers for each game into there own little
sections, what we need now in trek gaming is more interaction between
the different gamers of the different game's online to give there
views and news to each other in a centralised network of portals and
news pages, and when the structure is complete Paramount and Perpetual
can use our partner's site at STO:Central and then the STGD itself to
guage the views of the exisiting gamers, and the realtively new gamers
who are waiting for the new MMORPG.
Sounds like pie in the sky plans to you?
Half of the new network is already in place, the other half is being
worked on by me personally to be held to Tony for the main site. STGD
got bogged down in politics and the too'ings and fro'ings of the trek
game world. When this site actually starts to get serious about trek
gaming people will tell you, a lot of other game sites follow our
It's time to look to the future of Star Trek gaming, if not for
ourselfs, for the people like Tim who will be the new generation of
trek gamers to replace us old farts in a decade's time.
Former STGD Director
The fact that the hits for
the front page only went down by 100 in the 5 to 10 days the site was
down is a testament to the amount of followers in the trek game world
that kept coming back hoping the site would re-open. The THOUSANDS
of emails (yeah, over 3000 emails) i received during the closure
It is true that during the past 3 months, as wildcard says in his
forums, STGD has burned a lot of bridges behind us. Those bridges are
still smoking and go back to a time in trek gaming when the STGD
itself was facing a changeing trek game world.
In a late night chat with Tony, the new STGD director for the network
and site, and Claire Venra, who will be working on the new upcoming
additions for the modders of the trek game world, we came to a
decision to reopen STGD. Not for the sake of the clans, most of them
probably havent even noticed STGD has actually closed. Not for the
sake of the modders either, all the modders have found new homes in
trek-online and the new STGDesque boards that Casca, Tophat,
Cozboooooooo! *cough* and the gang has set up.
Nov 2004 - An announcement from the STGD staff
This weekend will mark the end of the 5 year run of the original Star
Trek Clan Directory.
The site itself will oficially go offline friday night after the
directory is stripped out and the downloads system is stripped out.
It's been a long 5 years, i feel the time for the STGD is now over
with more clans playing newer more better supported games and less
clans taking part in the STGD (some clans not visiting us at all) it
means that the pulling power of the site has waned over the past 2
We would rather pull the site down while it is still riding high than
watch it suffer during 2005.
From the original Armada Clan Directory back in 1999/2000 to the new
Star Trek Gamers Directory launched 2004 the whole series of sites has
seen the rise and fall of star trek gaming, we feel it's time is now
I would like to thank all the fleets who have supported the original
site and this new one especially SF, RS, RNGD, Q, UNO, SFC, 11thFleet
(of which i recently joined), UFP, ELITE and FoH.
If i missed anyone out im sorry, but there are so many clans who have
shown myself and Katherine support during the past half a decade.
Trek gamng will live on without STGD, however i must warn you all,
2005 will be a very bad year for the fleets of trek gaming, with no
new games out this year and none out in 2005 and only a beta out 2006
with a final game out 2007 it means if you have not done so yet i
would SERIOUSLY consider taking your clan into one or 2 non star trek
games, like BF1942, EQ2, WoW and the likes.
STGD does not mean trek gaming will collapse, although a lot of people
will be running around like headless chickens for a few weeks thinking
it will. There are still some sites out there that cater for the
gaming populace of trek gamers, the main one that springs to mind is
www.stgu.com and of course Raven Knights Starfleet Command, Bridge
Commander and Elite Force Universe sites.
The main mod directory will remain open for a further month to aloow
modders to download any work we are hosting on there behalf. Any
hosted sites will remain on the FTP until they are able to find a new
host, we will NOT just shut your hosted site down, take as long as you
need to find a good stable host, then contact me via
victor1st@gmail.com to inform me that you have found a host.
To access the main mod directory, visit
As for the former STGD staff?
Our future is in Blizzard games, the above site is just a test site
for a gamers site which will eclipse the content that the STGD had in
its 5 year history, if you are going to be playing World of Warcraft
you'll catch me and katherine in the new site once it is launched.
Even in closing, they still bash us...this will give you an idea of
the lowlife scum who are populating trek games thesedays...
Someone over on my forums said that STGD has a post saying that STGD
is closing down and so is thier front page as well! I dont care ive
been banned from thier for some time! Iam simple not surprised, they
ban anyone that they dont like or dont agree with! All i can see is
that It will better for the community! Iam sick and tired of the
dividing that has accured due to the bad taste btw the community and
STGD! Its time for the community heal and come together and move
Thanks for the 5 years of memories...to the pondlife like
Acidrain...burn in hell.
Victor Mullin
Katherine Venra-Wilson
Nicola Venra
Claire Venra
James Wilson
1999 ~ 2004
10-08-2004, 07:46 PM #1
Posted by Katherine Wilson
Location: Bensley, Irvine, Scotland
Posts: 50
After 4years in Star Trek gaming i am leaving. After WildCard of GQ, LordUppity of RSC and a few other leaders of minor fleets like GQ and RSC supported the rape threat i received recently i feel there is no use supporting people like GQ "FatMan" WildCard or the leader of RSC (LordUppity) who feels that fleets like RS, SFC and SF should die because they do not conform to what there "vision" of trek gaming should be. Yeah, i was threatened with rape from a former member of 11th fleet who was thrown out and DISGRACED by that fleet long before this incident happened. The website of that particular fleet will be brought down very soon, there hosting company has been informed and my lawyer now has the address of the person who threatened me.
WildCard, who called RSC a "bunch of gays" and called LordUppity "a mental retard" while at the same time releaseing propoganda with nazi intent against them is now looking at RSC and callng them best friends cause GQ "FatMan" WildCard is now running a fleet whos own council is ready to throw him out. Yeah, WildCard supports the rape of females, and so does all of his allies. WildCard and LordUppity are the reason i feel it is time for me to move on, both of them, including the leaders and webmasters of dynaverse.net (CueBall(less), Kortez (yellow streak) and the rest have brought trek gaming down to the level it is now at, the gutter. WildCard's own place of work has been monitoring chat sessions and forum conversations, it means he will probably lose his job soon.
STGD has been threatened with lawsuits from dynaverse.net (CueBallLess and Kortez...whos yellow streak is getting longer) along with RSC and WildCard, infact WildCard (fatman) said that STGD was a terrorist threat. WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR THE LAWSUIT! Ohh, and GQ's own council have nicknamed Wildcard "the fat redneck retard" i just thought i should give him a taste of it in public as a parting gift for him supporting the things that he seen, his own council know he is a liability to GQ, they are just too scared to throw him out and because of this it means that GQ's council will also be DRIVEN out of Star Trek gaming.
The worst part is the fleets like RS, SFC, Q, SF and the likes whom STCD and STGD has supported for more than 5 years. DO they bother to lend a hand to the OLDEST trek game site on the net? No, they dont. SF, SFC, RS and the likes only contact us if they need to use us. When they see this site in trouble they ignore us, which is a bit like the rest of the story about Parmaount, STGU and the rest of these so called "community" leaders.
Paramount have killed this franchise. The fleet's know it, the modders know it and the majority of the rest of the fan sites know it. STGD is not scared to say it but then STGU criticise us for saying it. STGU criticise the REAL FLEETS (not the 2 bit ones like FCN) who post here. Almost 90% of the fleets of trek gaming refuse to post in STGU due to the outright bias and prejudice that STGU have given to the fleets. It aint only STGU either, Paramount can be dealt the same hand as well.
In the "official" ST; Online board there is threads made by people in there where they are discussing the "resriction" of fleets in this new MMORPG (which will be a failure) NOT PARAMOUNT OR PERPETUAL has bothered to answer them back, there is now a majority of fleets who have said that they no longer trust Perpetual or the new MMORPG, Vic tried to warn them, but he was ignored. The S.T.A.B has already FAILED before it even got its feet off the ground cause from what i have seen neither Perpetual, Paramount of STGU/Chessmess give a DAMN about the fleet community, the only site thats left who does is STGD, and now we are being hounded out of the community.
Star Trek gaming is dead, it died the minute people like "FatMan" WildCard was allowed to rip off other mods and get away with it. It died when the REAL fleets like RS, SF and SFC stopped careing about what is left of this community, Devil Jones, Unimatrix and Nelson, if there was ever a time to show what kind of REAL power you guys have in trek gaming then do it NOW before it is too late. The rest of the fleets are looking to you guys for direction and NONE of you are giving it.
Now that they have stopped careing, i have as well.
A new Star Wars site is being founded by Vic, im off to run that and the actual game developers asked us to form the site. Star Wars supports what we are doing more than Star Trek does. Harry Lang should resign, it is not just me who thinks that, more than half of the trek gamers think that.
If anyone has any comments to the news story then go to the STGD boards at http://www.stcd.sgnonline.com/forum as no one has been able to comment in the STGU "Neutral" (neutral my ass) news system for a while now.
If you want to sue STGD join the queue of losers like WildCard (fatman) who wants to sue a website who doesnt use real names, and if you are wildcard then maybe you should excercise a bit and get ready for your council to throw you out, just like ya backstabbed coman all those months ago. Have fun "FatMan"!
Katherne Venra-Wilson
STCD/STGD staff member, 2001 ~ 2004
Now THAT is what i call a swan-song
Note from Victor1st
I left this up, Katie has done more for trek gaming than Paramount or any of you have ever done, she has even done more for this game genre than i have...and THAT is saying something.
RSC and GQ, hang your heads in SHAME.
A new Star Wars site is being founded by Vic, im off to run that and the actual game developers asked us to form the site.
Author: Katherine
Subject: Future change to the STG
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:55 pm (GMT 0)
I spoke with Vic this afternoon and it is becoming obvious that he does not have the health to deal with a site of this size on his own anymore. For more than half a decade most of the STG has been built, maintained and revamped by Vic himself since Nikki left 2 years ago and I havent really been around much since 2003. Vic has decided it is time to bring an equal partner onboard as head site admin.
[chop chop... a bunch of kitty talk from Katurine.. chop chop]
We thought of going into a partnership deal with other Star Trek gaming sites and "merging content" of both partner sites ito one huge mega site for trek gaming, but to be honest that wouldnt really work either.
More details will be made available once Vic gets back hopefully tomorrow or sunday.
Joined: 30 Nov 2004
Member: #8
Posts: 16
Re: The proof
Posted: 12/30/04 at 10:46 pm
You want the truth? Ok i'll give it to you.
Not long ago Katherine received a rape threat from a former member of
11th fleet. This member was sumarilly thrown out. However, WildCard
AKA Mr Buskirk and AcidRain who has a forum hosted by trek-online
As far as i am concerned Mr Buskirk (i mentioned your name FATMAN)
supports RAPE of females, he has known the screenshots of the said
forum has been held to my lawyer and the said forum was closed by the
administrator and my lawyer. WildCard )aka Mr Buskirk) supports RAPE.
I have the evidence, he said to myself and Katie that his own lawyer
will sue STGD cause and i quote.... "we are terrorists" well...i am
still waiting on the lawsuit from Mr Buskirk (FATMAN) the supporter of
Chessmess seen the same thing, guess what? ChessMess banned Katie, but
wildcard is still in there, which makes CHESSMESS a SUPPORTER OF
RAPE...and ya know something? I just sent the screenshots to
Gamespy...BYE BYE STGU
They wanna play dirty, support rape and then cover it up? My first
target is STGU, i will shut them down within 4 months. Paramount can
go screw themselves, now this is WAR Paramount sat back and done
NOTHING when they also knew that katie was receviing rape threats.
Katie called for the resignation of Harry Lang? I DEMAND the
resignation of Harry Lang.
Ya dont like it? Get the hell out of this forum, STGD is now under
Star Trek Clan Directory rules go to STGU or trek-online, the
supporters of rape against a site that has been here for half a
Title: Re: Recent Events and How OutaLance is affected
Post by: ModelsPlease on June 14, 2006, 04:30:14 pm
Hell no I won't stick anything in my sig bro. I warned ya before you got involved in this "Round Table" that it was nothing but trouble and now you're starting to see why. Easy solution...walk away. We don't need to be associated with people like this plain and simple. Our guys work way too hard to be subjected to crap like this. " By the Community for the Community"...I think not. THE community is Dyna,BC, Armada and SFC 3, not sites with a history of problems, decension and failed idealisms. You know this is how I've felt all along and now it's validated.
Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!
VicTurdJr says in a post about the once very hush and private Modders Roundtable that is now for some reason going public
The Modders Roundtable was an idea conceived innitially by a few members of the Trek Modding, Modeler, and Fan Site Community consisting originally of Dynaverse.net, StarTrek-Gamers.com, CUGS.com, PuterzSFC3.net, and modders of Islandwars, Unity, Dominion Wars, Sedition, and Uncertain Destiny just to name a few, Modelers consisting of Chris Jones Mods, Outalance Shipyards with its staggering 40 + members making up the bulk of the talent asssembled in one place building and converting models for the Star Trek Games.
miniVic in the same post
The Modding Roundtable is a neutral place where everyone is treated equal...
Dynaverse.net is where you find 100% of any information released on a new model, mod, script or whatever, they have been the major hub of the collective Mod and Modeler group for years. Most of your major Trek Game Modders and Modelers are already involved in Dynaverse.net and the Modders Roundtable. And to think that they will just uproot and all of the sudden go to the STGU is pure madness.
...And to think that they will just uproot and all of the sudden go to the STGU is pure madness.
What we have been doing for over the past 4 months since we actually started the Roundtable and stopped talking about it, is to assemble the best that the community has to offer where everyone has an equal say, and all ideas, knowledge, and cretive works can be shared with the Commmunity equally. More and more Modders and Modelers are being invivited to join each day.
Want to Join the REAL DEAL and not an imitation? Find out the truth and much more. Visit The Modders Roundtable
Posted by VicTurd, dumbest guy on the net
Yeah folks, STGU's official blog for the fans of STG has made a recent post on http://www.startrekgamers.blogspot.com it turns out that the person who makes the post is actually Jaz, a member of staff of the STGU site, the reason we know? Well...the latest post on the blog was taken from posts made in a thread over in wildcards trek-online, which you need to register in to see the entire thread, the only STGU staff member who looked in the thread was...yeah, you guessed it, Jaz... [snip..snip... more stupidity that I'll talk about later]
Victurd says: ".. I was thinking to myself this is finished. Ok STG and STGU never gonna talk again, frankly I like it that way because they are all idiots over there anyway I mean who visits there site anyway other then.. well.. non-trek gamers to be perfectly honest."
Victurd says: "[SpickaSpike].... he made a post in the Hailing Frequency #17 thread... he made a post saying 'Good Wiki at least its not a wiki about a wiki."
Victurd says:"...he was actually complimenting STGU's lazy man website..."
Victurd says:"...STGU's lazy man website you know if you got a website and you don't want to do any work on it what you do is open up a wiki and let everyone else do the work on it and take the credit for yourself. Which is exactly what STGU has been doing for a year, except that no one can actually see that. Its a wiki people. Anyone can make a wiki. A trained blindfolded chimpanzee can make a wiki. I mean c'mon."
Victurd Says: "...the kid was flamed. He was absolutely outrightly abused and flamed by members of the STGU.."
Victurd Says: "... and did the lock the thread? No."
Victurd Says: "Did the moderators warn the person who was flaming the kid? No."
Victurd Says: "Did the moderators try to change the subject of the thread... No."
Victurd Says: "...instead what the flamer done and what Trickster who's one of the moderators done was to say the kid was me or wildcard under a different IP address."
Victurd Says: "... which Wilcard disproved because Wildcard actually contacted cybertrekfan and via email confirmed that SpicaSpike is actually his son.'
Victurd Says: A bunch of stuff about COPPA and that Trickster has his head up his ass and that he wants STGU to be shut down.